
10 Nov 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

International Symposium on “Constitutional Parameters of Individual Freedom Secularity, Public Interest & Social Reform” at Amity

Amity Institute of Advanced Legal Studies(AIALS) organized a day long International Symposium on “ConstitutionalParameters of Individual Freedom Secularity, Public Interest & SocialReform” at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida. The event was organizedjointly by Association of Scholars of Religion and Law (India) andInternational Centre for Law and Religion Studies, Brigham Young University,USA.

 The Presentation was presided jointly by Judge Clifford Wallace, Chief JudgeEmeritus, Court of Appeal, Ninth Circuit, US, and Justice DM Dharmadhikari,Former Judge, Supreme Court of India.


The eminent speakers across the globe highlighted the influence ofreligion upon the Constitution of various countries and the changing dimensionsof the individual freedom in present time through leading judicialpronouncements.


The learned speakers included Professor W Cole Durham Jr, Director, InternationalCenter for Law and Religion Studies, BYU, USA, Professor Asher Maoz, FounderDean, Peres Academic Center Law School, Israel, Professor Carmen AsiainPereira, Professor of Law and Religion, University of Montevideo, Uruguay,Professor Tore Lindholm, Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo,Norway, Justice Jaspal Singh, Former Judge, Delhi High Court.


Dr Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President,Amity University Uttar Pradesh, during the occasion, expressed his pleasure in organizing anevent of such a magnanimous stature in the campus. He felicitated the studentsand the faculty members with books for their curious responses in the opensession.


The subsequent discussions were co-ordinated by Professor Cole Durhamand Professor Dr Tahir Mahmood, Chairman AIALS wherein the participants deliberatedupon the views expressed by the presenters such as Dr Manoj Kumar Sinha,Professor & Director, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Dr Kiran Gupta,Professor of Law, Delhi University, Dr Zafar Mahfooz Nomani, Faculty of Law,Aligarh Muslim University, Dr AK Merchant, Bahai Scholar & Trustee, BahaiHouse, Delhi, Dr MP Raju, Advocate Supreme Court of India besides otherdistinguished speakers from academia, judiciary and faculty, staff and studentsof AIALS.