
08 Oct 2014|Noida | F2 Auditorium

"Indigenous Technologies need to be developed for Country’s Growth", opine Industry Experts during 3rd International Conference on “Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’ 2014) at Amity University

Amity Institute of Information Technology started its 3rd International Conference on“Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’ 2014) at Amity Campus, Sector 125 Noida. The conference witnessed the participation of more than 250 delegates from India and abroad including USA, U.K, Italy, Japan,Taiwan, Malaysia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Bangladesh.

The International Conference provided a platform to Academicians, Industrialists, Researchers, Scholars and Students to exchange notes and discuss contemporary research on the emerging trends and developments in IT, Telecom and Infocom industry. During the Conference, more than 200 research papers will be presented from worldwide.

The conference was inaugurated by Chief Guest Prof. S N Singh, Chairman, IEEE UP Section & Chair Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur; Guest of Honor Dr. R KChauhan, Additional General Manager – Engg. IT Service, NTPC; Dr. (Mrs.)Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University; Prof. (Dr.) Sunil K Khatri, Director, AIIT and Prof. P K Kapur, Technical Chair, ICRITO’2014.

Welcoming the guests, Dr.Balvinder Shukla said, "we are surrounded by various kinds of technologies and with time technologies are transforming , making it verydifficult to categorize them in different sectors of IT. She further mentioned that amalgamation of Information and Telecom sector is due to Internet, which has made both the sectors interdependent and led to the formation of Infocom sector. Dr. Shukla emphasized that ICT sector is reshaping the economy of the country and is also reforming the approach of various companies at global market. The sector has also contributed towards the development of remote areas by making e-health and e-education accessible. She expressed that the deliberations during the conference will enrich the knowledge of the participants.

Sharing his thoughts on Human Welfare and Technologies, Chief Guest Prof. S N Singh said that IT and Telecom sectors are booming and they are focusing on evolution of technologies for the welfare of human beings. He further added that optimization plays a very pivotal role for development. It is important for the industry experts and researchers to optimize time, knowledge and resources for the development of the industry. He apprised that the conference will provide a future direction towards generating ideas for new techniques and research topics.

Addressing the gathering,Guest of Honor Dr. R K Chauhan said that in the globally competitive environment, industries look out for new technologies to attain market leadership. He further mentioned that industry is setting higher bars for the development of innovative technologies. Dr. Chauhan emphasized that in India,the need of the hour is to develop indigenous technologies to decrease the dependency on foreign technologies that will eventually aid in the economic progress of the country.

During the Conference,Souvenir was by the Chief Guest and other distinguished dignitaries.

The first day of the conference began with the plenary session chaired by Prof. Shigeru Yamada,Japan discussed on the topic “Computing the Reliability of Complex Systems”.

The International Conference is being attended by more than 500 Industry experts, Academicians, Researchers, Scholars and Students.