
29 Sep 2014-01 Oct 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Amity Institute of Microbial Technology Organizes Three Day Afro-Asian Congress on “Microbes for Human & Environmental Health’ at Amity University

Amity Institute of Microbial Technology starteda three day Afro Asian Congress on “Microbes for Human & Environment Health”at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida. The aim of the Congress is to provide aplatform to the Researchers and Scientists brainstorm and understand various microorganismsand chart out future directions of research. More than 150 Delegates, Researcherand Scholars from Africa, Asia and Europe are participating in the congress.

The conferencewas inaugurated by Chief Guest Dr. P SAhuja, Director General, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research.

Welcoming theguests, Dr. Ajit Verma, DistinguishedScientist and Professor of Eminence, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology saidthat Microbes are the first form of life and their existence can be traced backto 3.5 Million years ago. He further shared the success story of the fungusdiscovered by him ‘Piriformospora Indica – Rootonic’ which promotes the growthof plants in desserts as well as places with sub-zero temperature. Dr. Vermamentioned that he has filed 20 patents for this research on microbes.

Sharing histhoughts on the study of microbes, Dr.Sunil Saran, Vice Chairman. Amity Science, Technology & InnovationFoundation, said that the medicinal plants are highly over used worldwideand  focus should be on theirconservation. He called upon the participants to deliberate and generate ideasfor research in the area of conservation of medicinal plants and herbs.

Addressing thegathering, Chief Guest Dr. P S Ahujasaid that Microbes are present in human systems and are responsible for the tasteof what we eat, our mood, and change of our perception on anything and so on. Humanbody consists of trillions of microbes, which are also present in oursurroundings. The study of these organisms and classifying them is Microbiology.Dr. Ahuja emphasized that without Microbiology microbes would not have beenused for the human and environmental welfare.

During theconference, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, FounderPresident, Amity Group said that Microbes are ubiquitous in the world. Thecomplexity of the interaction of microbes and the biological world is being discoveredvery slowly. He expressed that the conference will provide a stimulating platformto the budding scientists and new ideas for research topics will emerge afterthe conference.

The first day ofthe conference began with the Plenary Session chaired by Prof. Christiana Cruz. Univeisidade Lesbou, Portugal, where topics like ‘Use of Microbes fromextreme environments for the benefit of agriculture’, ‘Role of microbes indairy food processing’, ‘Process Development for Bio-fertilizer production’, ‘AgricultureBiotechnology and Microbes integration for human nutritional supply’ and ‘introductioninnovative organic crop nutrient formulations-liquid organic crop nutrientformulations-liquid organic Phosphorous and Potassium’, were discussed.

The ValedictoryProgramme of the conference will be conducted on 1st October 2014.