
16 Jan 2015|Noida |

Promoting Human Values through Indian Cinema at Amity University

To inculcate HumanValues in students through Indian Cinema, Amity Law School, Noida organized “Impact2015” at Amity Campus, Sector 125 Noida.

Theevent was designed with ingenuity so as to depict the contribution of Indiancinema in portrayal of core qualities like brotherhood, loyalty, sensitivity tonature, accommodation for others, sacrifice, love,care etc. The three best teamswere awarded cash prizes.

AmityUniversity, which believes in value based education, actively engages itself tospread the message of human values through different events like visits toorphanages, old age homes, prisons and in collaboration with different NGOs.

Addressingthe gathering, Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar,Director, Amity Law School Noida said that celebration and promotion ofhuman values through different events is a brainchild of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan,Founder President- Amity Group. He added that the human value quarter isenthusiastically promoted and celebrated at all the campuses of AmityUniversity. He mentioned that in a busy and competitive world, events like theseare way to invigorate the spirit of human values and importance to make thempart of our day to day life. Maj Gen Kumar apprised that message of importanceof human values appealed and resonated among the youth of the country.

Studentsfrom various Institutes of Amity University participated in the event.