
09 Jan 2015|Noida | Amity Campus

Dr. Pattanathu KSM Rahman delivers lecture at Amity

 Dr. Pattanathu KSM Rahmanfrom School of Science and Engineering, Teeside University, UK visited Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida on 9th January, 2015 and delivered a lecture on“Biosurfactants and their potentials for commercialization".

Dr. Pattanathu Rahman holds the position of a Programme Leader and Senior lecturer in chemical, Process Engineering and Process Biotechnology, School of Science and Engg., Teesside University, U.K. He is also the Founder of TeeGene Biotech University Spin out company which is based on in house production of biosurfactants and its marketing. His main area of research interest includes Biomanufacturing of novel bio surfactants, microbioreactor design, bioprocess development for algal biofuels and nanomaterials

Dr. Pattanathu KSM Rahman, during his lecture,discussed about the Global Energy demand and remarked that the world will require 53% more energy by 2030 in order to sustain modern economic growth. He apprised the gathering with oil recovery methods and how biosurfactant producing bacteria is screened from the nature. He discussed in details the work conducted by his team for collection of bacterial strains from Northeast England and how Biosurfactants are highly effective biotechnology based multi-functional products which have the potential to recover upto 30% oil indead oil wells/ reservoirs/ Oil shales. Dr. Pattanathu KSM Rahman gave a brief overview of the market research conducted on Global surfactant market andelaborated the work of TeeGene Biotech Ltd which is pioneering the use of biosurfactant in a range of food cosmetic, environmental and biomedical applications.

Dr. Rahman was felicitated with Amity memento by Dr. B. C. Das and Dr. R.P. Singh after the interesting and informative lecture.