
14 Jan 2015|Noida | F-3, MDP Room

Guest Lecture by Dr. James Arvanitakis on “Interactive Teaching Methodologies” organized at Amity University

Dr. James Arvanitakis, Head, The Academy, University of Western Sydney visited Amity University to deliver a lecture on “Interactive Teaching Methodologies” at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida.

He was welcomed by Wg. Cdr. SK Goel, Deputy Director, IAD; Ms. Alka Maurya, Associate Professor, Amity International Business School and Col. Sharad Khattar, Assistant Professor, Amity International Business School.

Addressing the gathering and delivering the lecture, Dr. James Arvanitakis said that everything in this world is changing at rapid rate and we live in a time of disruption where past is not a guide to future. He further explained that initially knowledge used to be transferred through one way communication but now communication has become multi-dimensional where everyone is interacting and sharing information. Dr. Arvanitakis opined that that the Universities follow a traditional way of imparting knowledge whereas there is a need to teach skills and culture as well. Elaborating on skills, he added that a person possess seven basic skills to be successful in life, “Adaptability” which means to be prepared for change; “Mistakability” which means learning from mistakes and not quitting; “New Literacy” that is data management; “Creativity”,  creativity is not about creating new thing but seeing things differently; “Critical Thinking” which means a person should be able to see what other people cannot and last and most essential skills of  “Understanding Complexity” and “Communication Skills”.

During the lecture, students posed various questions which were efficiently addressed by Dr. James Arvanitakis.