
10 Jan 2015|Noida | F-2, Auditorium

Amity University organised two day Amity International Model United Nations 2015 (AMIMUN) Conference on the theme “ Youth Empowerment” at University Campus

Amity University started two day Amity International Model United Nations 2015 (AMIMUN)  Conference on the theme “ Youth Empowerment” corresponding with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and UN’s agenda for 2015 at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.


Over 100 participants from Dubai, Germany, United States of America, Thailand, Indonesia, Gabon and India are participating in AMIMUN 2015. Delegates from IITs, DTU, NSIT, Manipal University, Shiv Nadar University, Lady Shriram College for Women, SRCC amongst others are participating from India.


H.E. Mr. Desire Koumba, Ambassador of Gabon to India ,Maj. (Dr.) Surendra Poonia, VSM, Award winning International Athlete, Limca book Record holder and former Special Forces Officer, Indian Army; Dr. (Mrs.) B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University and Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh- Additional Group Vice Chancellor, Amity inaugurated the AMIMUN 2015.


The Delegates, as part of AMIMUN, are simulating the proceedings of 5 Committees -General Assembly, Human Rights Council, Economic and Social Council, Ad-Hoc Crisis Committee- Agenda on Spot and Game of Thrones- Crisis Committee discussing key issues faced by the world such as Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space with a focus on No First Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, Protection of Refugees and IDP’s with Special Emphasis on the Situation in the Middle East, Combating Illicit Production and Trafficking of Drugs in Asia amongst other sensitive issues.


Welcoming the student delegates and distinguished guests , Dr. (Mrs.) B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University outlined the humble beginning of AMIMUN two years ago and how it became bigger and better with every passing year. She opined that in the present global scenario, it is very important for the youth to have global perspective and understand UN, its functioning, various Councils, issues faced by the world, how decisions are taken in Councils and MUNs, she remarked, help the youth to get exposed to all these, observing everything closely and minutely.


Addressing the gathering, the Chief Guest H.E. Mr. Desire Koumba, Ambassador of Gabon to India stressed that education is a very important and powerful tool, which opens multiple avenues in the future. Quoting Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela, H. E said that education is the most important weapon to change one’s life. He expressed his delight at the way young generation has come forward to discuss the problems faced by the world, trying to find innovative and cordial resolutions to the same. He stressed that without peace and harmony, there can be no development in the world. He called upon the participating delegates to come out with the best innovative ideas during the proceedings of AMIMUN 2015 and let the decision makers in various countries know what are youth’s expectations from them.


Sharing his views, Maj (Dr) Surendra Poonia-International Award-winning Sportsman expressed his delight on visiting Amity University which he remarked, has heralded education revolution in the country. Talking about AMIMUN, he said that initiatives like AMIMUN, bring together the youth across the world on one platform to discuss, deliberate upon world problems and seek mutually benefitting resolution to the same. He suggested that issues like Disaster Management should also be covered in platforms like AMIMUN which is the need of the hour. He called upon the young ambassadors to make everyone aware that no religion or caste is above one’s own country and the world is one.


A student delegate- Shivam Shukla  pursuing BE from Manipal Institute of Technology, representing Turkmenistan in Economic and Social Council expressed that MUNs are great platform to get abreast with International, Diplomatic and Bureaucratic relations amongst various countries. He shared that he has always been interested in following the proceedings of a multi-facet organization- UN and his participation in AMIMUN provided him an opportunity to know more about his favorite topics- Geo-politics and International relations with special reference to Turkmenistan. He remarked that his participation in MUN would help him to brace up for realizing his future plans of taking up career in the area of International Diplomacy.


Another delegate, Sushmita Sehwaj from DCSE, representing Georgia in ECOSOC expressed her joy and excitement for first time participating in International MUN where she will be discussing about “Illicit Production and Trafficking of Drugs in Asia”, She remarked that MUNs are very informative and challenging which help participants to understand the cross- culture sensitivities, traditions and problems specific to other countries. Talking about her preparation, Sushmita said, “I have done thorough research about Georgia, trying to comprehend the problems faced by the country and its people. Though, it is difficult to understand a country and its problems in just a month but it is definitely, a good beginning to understand global issues and moot potential solutions to them.”