
20 Nov 2014|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

Delegation from Guangzhou, China visits Amity University

In the light of ‘Make in India’ – the vision of PM Narender Modi, a highlevel 7 member delegation from Guangzhou, China led by Dr. Ma Zhengyong,Director General, Science and Information Technology, Bureau of GuanzhouMunicipality visited Amity University to discuss the prospects of potentialcollaboration in various areas.

Dr. Ma Zhengyong was accompanied by Dr. CaiGangqiang, Deputy Director General, The Administrative Committee of GuangzhouDevelopment District; Mr. Zhang Xuekui, Deputy Inspector, Research Center ofGuangzhou Municipal Government; Mr. Yao Yuan, Deputy Director General, Economicand Trade Bureau of Nansha Developmen District, Guangzhou; Mr. Feng Mengjue,Director, Guangzhou High-Tech Innovation Center; Ms. Chen Yin, Senior Staff,Science and Information Technology Bureau of Guangzhou Municipality and Dr. LiuXiang who were welcomed by Prof.(Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Group Additional Vice Chancellor, Amity; Prof. (Dr.) AjitVerma, Distinguished Scientist & Professor of Eminence, Amity Institute ofMicrobial Technology; Mr. Aseem Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University Rajasthanand Senior Officials of Amity University.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Ma Zhengyong said that Guanzhou iskeen to understand how Amity is commercializing its Research and how Incubatoris helping to strengthen bond between Academia & Industry. Appreciating theGovernment support in India he further added that Indian Government supportsScience & Technology projects and encourages the role of Universities inpromoting such initiatives.

During the discussion, variouscollaborative options were deliberated upon including development of educationand training programs, joint research activities and joint patent filing.