
11 Dec 2014|Noida | Main Ground

2,837 Graduands conferred with Degrees and Diplomas during the first day of Amity University 10th Convocation 2014

AmityUniversity started “10th Convocation 2014” spread over threeconsecutive days- 11th to 13th December 2014 wherein atotal of 10,000 successfully qualified Graduands of several Programs wouldreceive their UG and PG Degrees, Diplomas, Trophies and Medals.


On the first dayof convocation, a total of 2,837 Graduands from Amity School ofEngineering and Technology, Amity Institute of Information Technology, AmityInstitute of Biotechnology, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology, Amity Instituteof Organic Agriculture and other institutes received their Degrees andDiplomas. Over 208 meritorious Graduands received Gold, Silver and BronzeMedals, Corporate Awards and Salvers.


The grandeurprocession comprising of Trustees of the Board, Senior Members of theManagement, Head of the Institutions, Departmental Heads and Senior Facultymembers entered the Convocation Hall accompanied by the band of pipers hummingthe traditional celebration song, marking the commencement of the Grand event.


During the firstday of Convocation, eminent personalities including Dr. K Kasturirangan,Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University & Former Chairman ISRO &Member; Mr. Ajay G Piramal, Chairman, Piramal Enterprises Ltd.; and Dr KRadhakrishnan, Chairman ISRO & Chairman Space Commission & Secretary,Department of Space were conferred with Honorary Doctorate Degree in Science.


Mr. AtulChauhan- Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh declared the 10thConvocation open.


Addressing thegathering, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University UttarPradesh  welcomed the august gathering, and presented a brief reportof the University in which she touched upon key achievements and initiativesthat have been taken during the year 2013-2014 including new programmeslaunched in cutting edge technologies, breakthrough research work done byScholars and Researchers, various research projects given to Amity byDepartment of Science and Technology and several ministries of Government,research papers presented by faculty members in National and InternationalConferences and Seminars and various other milestones achieved by AmityUniversity. Dr. Shukla congratulated the graduands and wished them luck intheir future endeavors.


Sharing hisviews during the momentous occasion, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President,Amity Group addressed Amity alumni as Amity’s Amazing Achievers andstressed that Amity alumni are empowered to change the country and the world.He remarked that Amity alumni are equipped with rich Indian culture and ethoswhich would help them to achieve anything in their lives. Dr. Chauhan, whohimself believes in “Success by Compulsion”, called upon the Alumni to have anurge to achieve something in life, forge ahead with strong conviction, selfconfidence and faith in God, without getting perturbed by deterrents.


Accepting theHonorary Doctorate in Science, Dr. K Kasturirangan expressed hisgratitude for being included amongst distinguished Honorary DoctorateRecepients. He further added that he is the product of ecosystem that India hascreated for everyone and was supported in various phases of life includingfamily members, well wishers, and mentors in professional areas. Talking aboutISRO, he added it is a fantastic organization which works on the format oftremendous teamwork. He apprised that Amity students are known for theirdistinguished performances and achievements and are equipped to bringremarkable changes in the society. He expressed his hope that in the comingfive years, Amity will be ranked amongst the top five universities of the world.


During hisacceptance speech, Dr K Radhakrishnan said, “I am honoured to accept theHonorary Doctorate Degree bestowed upon by Amity University which is known forits global education system.” He commended Amity for its research andinnovation initiatives and remarked that Amity has created notable products forIndia since the researchers and innovators nurtured by Amity will immenselycontribute towards nation’s development.  Dr Radhakrishnan advised thegraduands that they can achieve success in life if they follow the path withperseverance and determination.


Accepting hisHonorary Doctorate Degree, Mr. Ajay G Piramal expressed his gratitudefor the honor conferred upon him. He said that the drive and passion of Dr.Ashok K Chauhan is an inspiration for everyone whether they are students orparents. Interacting with students, Mr. Piramal said that if a person beginswith strong sense and foundation of values, they are bound to succeed. He alsoadvised them to have courage to follow their passion even if encountered withvarious difficulties. The person, who pursues his or her passion, is deemed tobe successful. He apprised that people who know how to convert challenges intoopportunities can achieve great heights in their lives.


During theconvocation, Dr. Shirshendua Mukherjee, Strategic advisor, Wellcome Trust wasconferred with Honorary Professorship at Amity Institute of Biotechnology.


During thesecond day of convocation, over 4,020 Graduands from Amity School ofCommunication, Amity School of Fashion Technology, Amity Institute of SocialSciences, Amity School of Hospitality, Amity School of Languages, Amity LawSchool and other institutes will receive their Degrees and Diplomas.


AdvocateRaian Karanjawala, Founder & Managing Partner Karanjawala & Company andDr. Ratan Kumar Sinha, Chairman Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary,Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India will be conferred HonoraryDoctorate Degrees for their outstanding contribution in respective fields.