
15 Nov 2014|Noida |

“Amity International Model United Nations (AIMUN) Conference” concludes at Amity DPS Noida, DPS Mathura Road, Amity International School, Saket win the “Best Delegation Awards” of AIMUN 2014

The three day “Amity International ModelUnited Nations (AIMUN) Conference”, organized by Amity International Schoolsand Amity Education Resource Centre, concluded today with the felicitation ofwinners during the grand valediction ceremony at Amity University, Sector- 125,Noida

Over 600 high school students from 40schools across Delhi/NCR and India and from 7 International schools located inFrance, South Africa, Slovakia, Italy, Maldives and Japan participated in AIMUN2014.


The Delegates, as part of AIMUN, simulated the proceedings of 8Committees -GeneralAssembly (ECOFIN), United Nations Security Council (Crisis Session), HistoricalGA (Nov 1956), International Atomic Energy Agency, Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC), All Indian Political Meet, United Nations Human Rights Council(UNHRC) and Indian War Cabinet 2018 (Continuous crisissession), discussing various issues of global concern such as International Strategy for DisasterReduction, Sustainable Energy for All, ISIS, Suez Crisis International AtomicEnergy Agency, Nuclear terrorism, Iran's Nuclear Program Economic and SocialCouncil (ECOSOC), Drug trafficking and many more.


H.E Mohamed Naseer, High Commissioner of Maldives to India ; DrAnantha Duraiappah , Director UNESCO MGIEP ; Maj Gen (retd) GD Bakshi- a greatcombat veteran , Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group and Dr.(Mrs.) Amita Chauhan- Chairperson, Amity International Schools graced thevalediction ceremony.


76 Awards were conferred during theceremony. The outstanding Delegates in each Committee were honored with “BestDelegate and High Commendation Award”; the delegates who submitted the BestPaper in their respective Committees prior to the conference were given “BestPosition Paper Award” and the Delegations which excelled in all areas weregiven “Best Delegation Awards”.


DPS Noida, DPS Mathura Road, AmityInternational School, Saket won the “Best Delegation Awards” of AIMUN 2014


Welcoming the august gathering and presenting a report of AIMUN2014, Ms. Jyoti Arora-Director, Amity Education Resource Centre said that the 5thAIMUN brought in 5 new elements- the first ever woman Secretary General ofAIMUN, Ms Shikha Bhaskar from Amity School, Noida, first time participation bydelegation from Italy and Slovakia, Introduction of  Indian Committees-AllIndia Political Meet, Indian War Cabinet 2018 ( Continuous crisis session) inAIMUN, Participation by Amity School, Johannesburg, South Africa and Presenceof eminent Maj Gen (retd) GD Bakshi- a great combat veteran to enlighten thestudent delegates. She shared that during the second day of AIMUN, theInternational delegates presented a glimpse of their respective culturesthrough Dance and singing.She remarked that the“Concert” by 14 yearold visually challenged Singer, Ms Jane Constance from Mauritius during theevening left everyone spellbound. She stressed that AIMUN is amovement , a gateway leading to peaceful and happy world.


H.E Mohamed Naseer, High Commissioner ofMaldives to India congratulated Amity International Schools and Amity EducationResource Centre for successfully hosting AIMUN 2014, engaging challengingdebates amongst the young delegates since 2010. He remarked that youngdelegates across the world bring their knowledge and diplomacy skills to MUNand apply them in various Committees which simulate the real life proceedings ofUN, thereby, learning the UN procedures, Diplomatic mysteries, uniqueInternational Charter, Code of Conduct and the importance of Negotiations.Outlining his own experiences as a Delegate, he narrated how with the growingcomplexities and kinds of disputes faced by countries, the number of memberNations in UN have increased from just 51 since the time of its inception to193 members at present. He encouraged the young delegates to think and actbeyond their nations and re-inforced them the message of one world, onehumanity.


Addressing the gathering, Dr.(Mrs.) Amita Chauhan- Chairperson, Amity International schools expressedher satisfaction and delight over the successful hosting of AIMUN 2014 by AmityInternational Schools. She congratulated the delegates for their exemplaryparticipation in AIMUN which provided a wonderful learning experience to thedelegates. She encouraged the delegates not to loose heart even if theirefforts are not awarded in AIMUN 2014 and keep working hard for next MUNs sincefailures are the stepping stones for success.


Sharing his views, DrAnantha Duraiappah , Director UNESCO MGIEP appreciated AmityInternational Schools and Amity Education Resource Centre for initiating theconcept of MUN amongst students which provides a platform to the students for exploring new opportunities and challenge the set notions and models.He remarked that although UN is most often criticized for being ineffective andbureaucratic but it is UN, he stressed, which is able to address collectiveproblems, faced by the world and promote a sense of peace and brotherhood inthe world. He implored the youth to come together and work collectively toresolve the problems faced by the world.


Addressing the gathering, Dr.Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group motivated thedelegates and urged them to go back from AIMUN 2014 with a sense of commitmentand dedication to excel in whatever they do.


Maj Gen (retd) GD Bakshi, while sharing his viewswith the delegates, vehemently opined that it’s high time that countries likeIndia, South Africa and Brazil find their place in Security Council, failingwhich UN will go just like the League of Nations. He stressed that India isemerging as a major power and UN will have to change to reflect the changingorder of the world. He applauded the delegates of AIMUN 2014 for their grasp ofthe concepts, level of comprehension of complex problems faced by the world andtheir rhetoric skills.


Sharing his experience of AIMUN 2014, one of the student delegates –GautamRaveri from Class XII, DPS Rohini said that participating in International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) representing Luxembourg was very challenging and at the same time ,provided him rich learning experience since IAEA is a very specialized Committeeand requires lot of research and knowledge about its proceedings to participatein the same. He shared that he has been regularly participating in MUNs whichhas groomed his oratory skills, logical reasoning, analytical skills andremarkably enhanced his confidence level.


International delegate, Ms.Miroslava Kvsakova from Gymnazium Bilingvalne from Slovakia whorepresented Switzerland in General Assembly applauded AIMUN as a very differentkind of an experience where she had to discuss and put forward her suggestionsin front of 100 member delegates. Talking about Model United Nation (MUN), sheexpressed that competitions like MUNs are very beneficial for the studentsworldwide, giving them vast exposure to the culture, traditions, policies, andproblems of other countries; they are expected to use a plethora of skills inorder to represent a country such as presentation skills, communication skills, research, policy analysis, active listening. The overall experience of MUN isvery informative and it teaches students to think and act global.


The Indian schools that participated in the Conference included DPS Noida, Modern Public School,Barakhamba Road, Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, Indirapuram PublicSchool, Birla Vidya Niketan, Pushp Vihar, DPS International Pushp Vihar, DPS,Mathura Road, G D Goenka Vasant Kunj, Genesis Global, Noida, Presidium Gurgaonalong with all Amity International schools located in Gurgaon, Sector- 43 and46, Noida, Saket, Pushp Vihar, Mayur Vihar and Vasundhra etc.?