
13 Nov 2014|Noida | The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President- Amity highlights the importance of R&D in making a county a Superpower during FICCI's R&D Summit

The Federation of Indian Chambers ofCommerce and Industry (FICCI)organized Global R&D Summit 2014 on the theme“Next- Gen Innovation through Interdisciplinary Research” on November 12-13,2014 at The Lalit, New Delhi.

During the two day Conference, several sessions were organized onissues of topical concern including “Enabling the Swachch Bharat Initiativethrough innovative technologies and collaborative research”, “SynchronizingIndian R&D with the lines and needs of global requirements”, “Building asustainable Innovation Environment for Healthcare and Pharma”, “Maneuveringthrough complex maze of Technology Commercialization- Pitfalls, Potholes andRunaways”


During the valediction eminent experts and doyens from industryshared their views including Dr.Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group, Dr. P Venugopal- Member ofParliament and Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural Development,Mr. Virendra Kumar Sharma- Member of Parliament, London, UK; Dr. MakarandPhadke- Chairman FICCI National Committee on Science and Technology/Innovationand Sr. VP- Innovations, Reliance Industries Ltd. and others

Sharing his views, Dr.Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group expressed hisjoy being in the company of researchers and innovators who are majorcontributors in making India a Superpower. He stressed that Global R&DSummit is of paramount importance in the present times because Science,Research and Innovation is the foundation of a strong and developed country andIndia is in the process of becoming one. He shared that faculty members ofAmity have been contributing immensely to R&D in the country and have filedmore than 560 patents. He stressed that faculty members without Research andInnovation are like soldiers without guns. He remarked that Indians havebrilliant brains which need to be channelized towards breakthrough R&D. Heopined that publication of research papers is good but ideal is to patent theresearch first and then its publication. “60% of India’s population is below 35years of age and synergy of these young brains could lead to unimaginableresults”, stressed Dr. Chauhan.

The distinguished speakers highlighted the importance of R&Din making India a Super power, Public- Private Partnership, the power of"Do it in India", encouraging R&D culture in small and mediumscale companies.