
20 Aug 2014-22 Aug 2014|Noida | F1 MDP Room

Wildlife Experts Outline Measures for Wildlife Conservation during the Training Workshop at Amity University

Amity Institute of Wildlife Sciences has started a three-days trainingworkshop on “Social and Anthropological Dimensions in Wildlife Conservation” atAmity Campus, Sector 125, Noida.

Dr. S.K Khanduri, Inspector General of Forests, Ministry of Environmentand Forests and Mr. Rahul Kaul, Senior Director, Wildlife Trust of India inaugurated the workshop.

The workshop witnessed the presenceof Practitioners, Field Officers, Researchers, Academicians and Students.  This training aims to educate theparticipants about the scope of Social & Anthropological aspect in wildlifeconservation. The participants would submit the research paper at the end ofthe workshop.

Welcoming the guests andparticipants, Dr. N.P.S Chauhan,Director, Amity Institute of Wildlife Sciences said that India has a variedand rich wildlife which should be both protected and conserved. He furtheradded that there has been a realization that the conventional and cult methodsof conservation are not effective in dealing with social ecological complexityand political dimension of biodiversity conservation. “The need of the hour isto handle these challenges with integrated approach that recognizes the interconnection of social and anthological approach for conservation.” implored Dr.Chauhan.  He expressed his hope that the workshopwould be productive and beneficial in all aspects.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Rahul Kaul said that both heavy humandensity and wildlife face a lot of challenges as they share the same resourcesthat are finite in number.  He added thattraditional sociology and anthropology looks after the human behavior,evolution, societal evolution but there is little space for environmental andwildlife concerns. Hence, it is very important to conduct such workshops tocreate awareness on the staple role of social and anthropological aspects forconservation of wildlife. Mr. Kaul expressed that he looks forward to nurturingthe partnership with Amity and conduct more such workshops in future.

Sharing his views on sustainable developmentof wildlife conservation, S.K Khandurisaid that sustainability is not a choice but a priority and wildlifeconservation is a part of the sustainable development. Dr. Khanduri emphasizedthat human beings try to modify environment and destroy forests and wildlife tosustain themselves but these activities have far reaching repercussions likeglobal warming, green house effect etc. However, there is no specific theory toprove it. He further added the basic objective of the workshop is to createawareness in society, orient the policy makers and educate the planners thatthey devise measures to protect and conserve the wildlife.

During the occasion, Chief Guest Dr. S.K Khanduri, Mr. Rahul Kaul and Dr.W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation releasedthe study material.

Duringthe three days training workshop, various topics are being discussed such as “Local Communities and Wildlife Conservation”by Dr. NPS Chauhan; “Forest Roghts andCommunity Forest Rights” by Mr. Satyaprakash Garada; “Indigenous Knowledge and Management of Wildlife; Insights fromAnthropology” by Prof. S M Patnaik, DU; “Wildlife Conservation Perspective from Public Policy” by Dr.Supriya Singh, DU; “Application ofSociology in Nature Conservation” by Ms. Mamta Bhatia among several others.