
17 Jul 2014|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Brig. Sanjay Agarwal Shares the Insights on Effective Leadership at Amity University

Amity Science,Technology and Innovation Foundation organiseda Guest Lecture on ‘Leadership’ by Brig Sanjay Agarwal, Security Advisor Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India atAmity University Campus, Noida. He was welcomed by Dr. W Selvamurthy,President , Amity Science, Technology and InnovationFoundation (ASTIF).

Welcoming the guest, Dr.W Selvamurthy provided a brief about the speaker and said he hasbeen an instructor at the Indian Military Academy and has even trained theRoyal Bhutan Army. He is presently the Security Advisor (LWE) at the Union HomeMinistry. Dr. Selvamurthy apprised the gathering that Brig. Agarwal is amountaineer and has done parachuting, skiing and led a 3000 km cyclingexpedition. He further highlighted the interests of Brig Sanjay inspirituality, acupressure and herbal medicines.

Addressingthe gathering, Brig. Sanjay Aggarwalsaid that effective leadership ensures success and growth of others and motivatesthem to take initiatives. He had an interactive session with the students,faculty members and staff which encouraged them to chisel their personalitiesand prepare themselves to be responsible future leaders. The participants askedpertinent questions like how should a leader face criticism, and whetherleadership is inborn or acquired.  Whileanswering the questions, Brig. Sanjay Agarwal also discussed various socialissues like Gender inequality, Women Empowerment and the qualities of a goodleader such as belief in oneself, ability to take risks, courage, and a beliefthat nothing is impossible. He further provided the guidance on how one shoulddevelop his leadership skills and never lose the hope of winning due to thefear of failure.

Speakingon the occasion, Dr. Sanjeev Bansal,Director, Amity Business School said that it is the privilege of Amity thatsuch a luminary interacted with students, faculty & staff and motivatedthem to be better future leaders. He further added that there are two qualitiesto define a leader, first the ability to grab an opportunity and second, is to unlockthe potential towards new learning and both the qualities are present in theparticipants as they have grabbed the opportunity to attend the lecture andhave expanded their horizon towards learning.

The lecture was attended by the students, Deans, HoIs, Advisors,Faculty Members and staff.