
18 Nov 2013|Noida | Pragati Maidan, New Delhi

“Precaution and awareness can bring down casualties during earth quake” says Mr. K.M Singh, Member – National Disaster Management Authority during Mock Drill of Earthquake evacuation at Pragati Maidan

Disaster whether Natural or Man Made can create havoc at the affected site. Rescue operations if not managed well can increase the casualties. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), an apex body for disaster management organized a live demonstration of Earthquake disaster and mock rescue operation during the ongoing India International Trade Fair, Pragati Maidan in the Hamsadhwani Open Air Theatre to generate awareness among the community and other stakeholders about these disasters and its response mechanism.

More than 700 students from Amity University actively participated in the Earthquake disaster awareness program.

Mr. K.M. Singh, IPS (Rtd.), Member – National Disaster Management Authority; Shri Krishna Chaudhary (IPS) Director General – National Disaster Response Force, Shri M. Shashidhar Reddy, Vice Chairman – NDMA were present during the demonstration.

Mr. K.M. Singh, IPS (Rtd.), Member – National Disaster Management Authority said that disaster can struck anytime and often due to unpreparedness, it spirals to widespread devastation. More we become technology advance, more we face disasters. Due to all these reasons we need disaster management. Mr. Singh added that across the world, India is the only country which has setup special rescue force i.e. National Defence Rescue Force which is expert in handling any type of disaster be it earthquake, flood, chemical leak etc. Mr Singh said that NDMA organizes awareness camps and mock drills to prepare common men for disasters. If we are well prepared and equipped to deal with disasters, then the after affect of any disaster can be minimized. Mr. Singh said that during the last month Orissa cyclone, Indian Meteorological Department had provided pre -warnings before the cyclone which had given us 4 days to make adequate arrangements. Mr. Singh said that in case of floods and cyclone, we can get prior warnings but in earth quake there is no reaction time. For such types of disaster, we all have to be aware of basic precautions. School Children have a big role in promoting this awareness. What ever they learnt in this awareness programs will be shared by them with their parents and friends.

Shri M. Shashidhar Reddy, Vice Chairman – NDMA said that disaster management is gaining importance as the number of disasters in our country have increased. In recent Orissa cyclone, over 10 lakhs people were rescued which was the biggest disaster management operation in the whole world. Only 23 casualties were reported from this cyclone. The whole world praised the efforts of NDMA and NDRF.  Recently Delhi witnessed low intensity earth quake which although did not lead to any devastation but reminded us that we all have to prepared for any such condition since Delhi fell on the seismic zone 4. Mr Reddy said that the awareness and mock drill programs help people to know the basic rescue steps to be followed in the event of any disaster.

Students from Amity University were excited to be part of this unique mock demonstration program. Ms. Garima from Amity School of Communication said that after attending this program she realized the importance of disaster management. She said that she will follow the basic information regarding what to do and what not to do during earthquake and even, share it with her friends and relatives.

Ms. Mehak Gulati from Amity Business School said that this program is an eye opener for all of them. She said that she had never taken disaster management seriously till now but now, she will disseminate this awareness and will also actively participate in any such programs in future.

During the earthquake demonstration, an earthquake scenario was simulated leading to collapse of a Multistorey Building. The NDRF, which is called for specialized response in such a situation, first located the trapped victims using Advance Life Detection Tools such as Life Detector, Victim Location Unit , etc. as well as Canine squads . The NDRF personnel then broke the structure made up of cement and wood using Circulars Saws, Hammer Drills, etc. and carefully extricated the trapped victims. The victims were then provided with pre hospital care.

The attraction of the day was a show by the canine unit of NDRF. These specially trained dogs can search the victims from the debris and can climb through any obstacles.

Students and senior officials of Amity University were present during the Mock demonstration of simulated earthquake scenario program.