
25 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism organises “10th Annual Convention” to mark the celebration of World Tourism Day

Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism organized “10th Annual Convention” to mark the celebration of World Tourism Day. The theme identified by the UN World Tourism Organization for this year’s World Tourism Day is “Tourism & Water: Protecting our Common Future

The convention witnessed the presence of travel and tourism industry stalwarts from various organizations who threw light upon the aforementioned theme. The corporate giants made the students aware of the immense potential of travel and tourism industry. 

Mrs. Kiran Mehra Kerpalman, Country Director, United Nation Information Centre, Mr. J. B. Singh, President& CEO, Interglobe Technology Quotient, Mr. G. G. Saxena, IAS, MD& CEO, Delhi Tourism & Transport Development Corporation and Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group inaugurated the convention with the lighting of the lamp.

Mrs. Kiran Mehra Kerpalman, Country Director, United Nation Information Centre said that she is extremely delighted to be part of the World Tourism Day Celebration at Amity and announced that Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism has become the first Indian Institute to receive UN World Tourism Organization – TED Qual (Tourism Educational Quality) Certification whichaimsto improve the quality of the tourism education, training and research programmes. It involves thoroughly assessing the five parameters of an Institute including internal and external aspects of the Programme: the coherence of the plan of studies; infrastructure and pedagogical support;policies, tools and support mechanisms for administrative management; the existence of transparent mechanisms for the selection of the faculty and favourable conditions for their professional development; and the relevance of the content of the programme of studies with respect to the needs of the tourism sector. Through this certification following will be achieved:

a)  - Participation in cooperation-for-development projects in less-developed countries with the aim to support the creation or improvement of their study programmes.

b)     - Internship opportunities for students and professors at UNWTO TedQual Institutions and at the UNWTO. Themis Foundation.

c)  - Scholarship opportunities for the “Tourism and International Cooperation for Development” university course.

While presenting data of tourism sector,Mr. J. B. Singh, President & CEO, Interglobe Technology Quotient said that tourism industry provides 8 million jobs in India and our country is the fastest growing destination in world. Around 1 billion tourist already traveled last year worldwide and it contributes 9% of world GDP with 1.3 trillion US Dollar of exports. Mr. Singh said that when per capita goes up, tourism industry also grows. In 2011 India recorded 0.1 trips per capita and our industry is 12th in the World.

Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group said that India is the best tourist destination in the world. Our country hosts every type of tourism like Medical tourism, heritage tourism, adventure tourism, education tourism etc. How ever there is need to develop transport, skilled manpower, safety, hygiene conditions and infrastructure so that any body who visits India feels happy and contended. Dr. Chauhan said that very soon India is going to be education and tourism hub for the world. Our country will witness brain gain instead of brain drain.

 Mr. G. G. Saxena, IAS, MD & CEO, Delhi Tourism &Transport Development Corporation said that although government of India is doing lot of efforts in boosting tourism in India but what is ailing is only 0.6% of foreign tourist arrival. We have to achieve 1% i.e. 12 million of foreign tourist arrival by year 2016. Mr. Saxena said that India has got tremendous potential due to round the year tourist destinations. Mr. Saxena briefed the audience that Government of India is working towards three policies i.e. last mile connectivity; hygiene, cleanliness & Sanitation and identifying different zones. Mr. Saxena said that high end tourism should be promoted and for this air fare is quite a concern. A tourist can fly to neighboring countries paying less comparing paying to fly for Andaman or any other Indian destination. Speaking on Delhi Tourism, Mr. Saxena said that we are encouraging film shooting in Delhi and we have applied for the World Heritage City status from UN.

Dr. Manohar Sajnani,Director – Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism expressed his gratitude towards the esteemed guests and said that the main objective of the celebration of World Tourism Day is to foster awareness amongst the International& National Community of the importance of Tourism and Water and in order to underline Tourism Responsibility and needed commitment in preserving the World Most Vital Natural Resource Water. He advised the students, future tourist promoters, to think about developing water bodies and Rivers into famous and appealing tourist destinations such as Kumbh Mela, rivers of Orissa and many others and help promote tourism in India.

During the pre-inaugural session Mr. Subhash Verma,President, Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India, Mr. Niranjan Khatri, G.M., ITC - Welcome Group Environment Initiatives, Dr. Ranjeet Mehta Secretary, Infrastructure,Tourism, Energy, Housing & Urban Development, PHD Chamber of Commerce &Industry and Dr. Balvinder Shukla,Acting Vice Chancellor – Amity University addressed the gathering.

Mr. Subhash Verma, President, Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India said that life is a book and if you don’t travel, you will remain in Page No.1. Mr. Verma said that water is one of the basic necessity of life, it implies to tourism sector also. We have to work towards balanced growth of tourism where water used should be planned.Travelers should use water intelligently and hotels should provide waterthrough technologically advanced equipments. 

Mr. Niranjan Khatri, G.M., ITC -Welcome Group Environment Initiatives said that diversity is part of ourcountry and we are using it for solving our problems. Talking about water conservation, Mr. Khatri said that in year 1947, 6 lakh litres of water per person was available and now it has come down to 1 lakh litres of water per person. We should work towards water harvesting in our hotel industry and home so that we can get water when we need it.

During the eve of World Tourism Day Convention, a Debate Competition on the theme “Can tourism be blamed for the over exploitation of water resources at the destination?” was organized wherein 22 teams from various colleges of India participated like Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management Noida, Jamia millia  Islamia University,  Kuoni Academy, Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalay - Haridwar,  Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology etc.

The participants were adjudged by experts from tourism industry including Mr. Rothin Sircar, Director Tour Lovers, Mr. Joy Dutta, Director Omega Travels, Mr. Shuchit Mangal, Director, I D H Destination Pvt Ltd who assessed confidence levels, communication skills, body language and overall presentation of the participants. 

The first prize comprising of 5 days and 4 nights holiday package in Port Blair was conferred upon Ms. Suzanne from Jamia Milia Islamia University; Ms. Pooja from Amity University won First Runners-up prize of 3 days and 2 night stay in Goa and Ms. Falguni of Amity University received Second Runners-up prize of 4 days and 3 nights holiday package in Manali .