
11 Sep 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

“Need for extensive and collaborative research to expedite the development of universal vaccination for Influenza” opine experts during National Symposium at Amity University

Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology (AIVI) and Influenza Foundation of India (IFI) started three day National Symposium on “Influenza: An Omnipresent Global Health Threat” and Workshop on “Molecular and Immunological Assays for Influenza” from September 11-13, 2013 at Amity University, Sector- 125, Noida.

Prof. A. K. Prasad, President, Indian Virological Society and Chairman, Influenza Foundation of India; Prof. Rajendra Prasad, Director, Vallabbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group and Prof. Narayan Rishi-Advisor, Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology inaugurated the Symposium and Workshop.

Welcoming the august gathering,Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University said that the topicof Symposium and Workshop is very relevant since every person on the earth issusceptible to Influenza and when Influenza turns into a pandemic, it acquiresserious proportions. Globally, half a million death are due to Influenza. Sheexpressed her hope that the Symposium and Workshop will help in paving aroadmap for bringing out newer and effective Influenza vaccines and medicines.

Sharing his views, Prof. A. K. Prasad, President, Indian Virological Society and Chairman, Influenza Foundation of India said that flu affects everybody once or twice a year but Influenza cannot be undermined or ignored as Common Cold. He citied that Influenza is a global problem and India, because of the living style of its people and the way animals are handled here without protection, is all the more vulnerable. He remarked that Influenza is a very serious infection, although most of us recover from it but in high risk population, it proves fatal if complexities develop. Expressing his concern, Prof Prasad stressed that there is not much protection available against Influenza since influenza virus is not stable and it keeps on changing, as a result of which old vaccines become redundant. He advised everybody to get vaccinated annually against Influenza which acts as a booster to prevent Influenza.

During the occasion Dr. Ashok KChauhan- Founder President, Amity Group called for extensive andcollaborative research in the area of Influenza prevention so that the deadlydisease could be nipped in the bud.

Addressing the gathering, Prof. Rajendra Prasad, Director, Vallabbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi stressed that Influenza is still a major global threat since the virus keeps on changing and there is no permanent immunity to it. “Universal Vaccine is still a dream and intensive research is needed in this area, “opined Prof. Prasad. He expressed his hope that the discussions and deliberations during the three day Symposium and Workshop will be very fruitful in providing a platform to Scientists, Clinicians and students for updating themselves with latest advances and trends in influenza epidemiology and prevention.

The inauguration was preceded by various technical sessions , organized as part of the Symposium, on interesting topics such as “Emergence of new influenza viruses: An omnipresent global health threat” by Dr. Shashi Khare, NCDC, New Delhi; “Global surveillance and WHO network” by Prof. A. K. Prasad, New Delhi; “Prevalence of influenza in India” by Prof. S. Mukherjee, Sharda Medical College, Greater Noida ; “Immune response to influenza” by Prof. Lalit Dar, AIIMS, New Delhi and others.

Presenting his views on the topic “Viral infection in acute and chronic respiratory diseases”, Dr. Anand Mohan – Additional Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine & Sleep Disorder, AIIMS said that in India deaths due to infectious and parasitic diseases are highest, followed by cardiovascular diseases and cancers etc. Dr. Mohan stressed that viral Respiratory Illness (VRI) is the most common infectious illness in human. Adult get 2-4 instances of cold every year and children acquire cold 3-8 times a year. Common cold accounts for one third to half of all acute respiratory infections in human beings. Family and School are major source of transmission of rihino virus and its infection peaks in autumn season. Frequent hand wash is recommended to avoid the infection.