
31 Aug 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Information Technology organises IT Summit

Indian IT industry has witnessed a phenomenongrowth during the last decade, which has also posed numerous challenges to thesecurity and privacy of the users. Keeping this in background, Amity Instituteof Information Technology (AIIT) organized a day long “IT Summit” at Amitycampus, Sector- 125, Noida to discuss and deliberate upon the latestdevelopments and challenges in the IT sector.

The Summit was inaugurated by Mr. Neeraj Sharma- Adviser,NSTEDB, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India; Mr. ArunMalik- Ex. Director, QuEST Forum, USA, Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla- ActingVice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh and Prof. (Dr.)Sunil Khatri-Director, AIIT.

Welcoming the august gathering,Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Khatri - Director, AIIT outlined the changes that have becomesine qua non in Indian IT sector including the changing communication channels,changing user expectations, opening up of data etc. The IT Companies, keepingin view the changing expectations of the users, are coming up with customizedproducts. He shared that NASSCOM has forecasted 12-14 percent growth in theIndian IT industry for the year 2013-14 against 10.2 percent in terms of dollarthe previous year. He called upon the budding IT Engineers to try gaining themost from the learned speakers who would share the nuggets of wisdom with themduring the plenary sessions.

Highlighting the growth of ITindustry, Mr. Neeraj Sharma- Adviser, NSTEDB, Department of Science &Technology citied the IT has become the lifeline of the country revolutionizingalmost every aspect of our lives whether it is banking or filing IT returns,booking airlines or railway tickets etc. It is embedded everywhere and isplaying a pivotal role in the development of the country. IT along with ITEShas become consistent drivers of the Indian economy. He shared that IT sectoremploys 2.8 million people directly and 8.9 million people indirectly,contributing 7.5% to the GDP of the country. Referring to the NASSCOM forecastof IT sector for the year 2013-14, the prolific speaker shared that Domestic ITindustry is expected to grow at 15-16 percent and exports to grow at 12-14percent in dollar terms. Social media, mobility, Analytics and Cloud woulddrive the growth current year. Motivating the students, he informed them that there is a huge potentialin IT industry with lot of job opportunities for the students and also a hugescope for those interested in entrepreneurship.

Sharing his views, Mr. Arun Malik-Ex. Director, QuEST Forum, USA stressed that in India IT security is stillconsidered a cost and not investment, despite of the fact that IT boom andresultant data growth has made us vulnerable. Mindset change is needed to avertany crisis, which is envisaged at this precarious stage of information andtechnology deluge. He called upon the students to remain innovative andcreative and contribute their best to the IT industry.

Mr. Vinod Uniyal- General Manager,Head of Regional Sales & Business Development, Ericsson India GlobalServices, whilesharing his views on “ eCommerce: Trends and Future Directions”, saidthat E- Commerce is one of the fastest growing segment of Indian economy witha  growth rate compounding 13% annually. According to Forrester ResearchOnline Retail Forecast , eCommercerevenues in India will increase by more than five times by 2016, jumping fromUS$1.6 billion in 2012 to US$8.8 billion in 2016. He stated that althoughIndian consumers are increasingly shifting towards E- Commerce but still thereare apprehensions in their minds while buying/shopping online with reference tothe sharing of information regarding their credit or debit cards. Indian E-commerce sector has to work upon “CASH on DELIVERY” mode to overcomeconstraints in the financial infrastructure.

Theinauguration was followed by three panel discussions on “ eCommerce: Trendsand Future Directions”, Big Data- Tool for Enhancing Efficiency and Competency”and “Next Gen Network Security: Defining Strategy”  wherein Mr. AnupamTiwari-Joint Director, Ministry of Defense, Mr. Abhijeet Sandil-Head, DrupalDevelopment Services Ms. Lipika Dey- Principal Scientist, Innovation Labs, TataConsultancy Services Limited, Mr. Rohit Khanna- General Manager, IBM andMr. Vipan Sawhney- Director, IT & Services, Emkor shared their views.