
16 May 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity Law School Centre-II, AUUP organises Faculty Development Programme on “Cyber Laws: Practice and Policy”

Amity Law School Centre-II, organized the Faculty development Programme (FDP) on “Cyber Laws: Practice and Policy” in association with Amity Academic Staff College on 16th  May 2013, at the MDP Hall, F-3 Block, Amity University Uttar Pradesh campus.

The FDP was chaired by Mr. Rodney D. Ryder, Cyber Law Expert and Partner, Scriboard (Law Firm specializing in cyber laws), Mr. Ashwin Madhavan, Advocate- Supreme Court of India and Lawyer, Scriboard, Mr. James M., Head of Digital Brand Management and Practices, Scriboard, Mr. Kapil Raina, Lawyer at Scriboard, Prof.(Dr.) Mrs. Balvinder Shukla, Acting Vice Chancellor AUUP,  Prof. VPS Arora, Dean, Academics, AUUP, Dr. Malathi Subramanium, Director, Amity Academic Staff College, other dignitaries and participants.

The welcome address and opening remarks were made by Dr Malathi Subramanium, Director, Amity Academic Staff College, in which she enlightened the participants about the importance of the topic to be discussed in the Faculty Development Programme.

Prof. Mamta Srivastava, Additional Director- Amity Law School, Centre-II, AUUP welcomed all the dignitaries and Faculty members from different Departments of Amity University. She gave an overview about the FDP topic and encouraged the initiative taken by the Faculty members to attend such type of FDP’s.

Prof. VPS Arora, Dean, Academics, AUUP in his address carved out the difference of time from facet to era, and also walked through the journey from traditional to technology based era.

It was followed by the technical session titled, “Introduction to cyber laws with specific reference to Information Technology Act, 2000”commenced. It was taken by Mr. Rodney D. Ryder, Cyber Law Expert Partner, Scriboard.

The second speaker was Mr. Ashwin Madhavan, Advocate, Supreme Court Of India and Lawyer, Scriboard. He gave information on the “Compliance Issues in Information Technology Act 2000”. He explained the usage of compliance under the Information Technology Act 2000.

The third speaker of the session was Mr. James M., Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Head of Digital Brand Management, Scriboard. He enlightened the audience on “Data Security laws” including, the protection of data in today’s technology based world. In furtherance of the same, he also refered to some important case studies to explain how data can be protected and can be kept confidential while using the Internet.

Lastly, the session was jointly headed by Mr. Rodney D. Ryder and Mr. Kapil Raina. They dealt with the sub-theme, “Intellectual property rights in cyberspace” and current position of the legislation pertaining to the same.

The FDP successfully ended with a vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Navendu Thakur, Faculty, ALS-II.