
09 Jun 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity University launches training program for 30,000 Volunteers & 2,000 Workforce for Commonwealth Games 2010

Amity University, with its mission to serve the nation with education and beyond, is contributing immensely to the forthcoming Delhi Common Wealth Games by training 30, 000 volunteers and 2, 000 work force who will be the face of the Games. This is one of the nation building initiatives of Amity and to connect all the Indians to pledge their support for Common Wealth Games, Amity has also launched a website “”

The training of volunteers commenced at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida with 270 volunteers from all over India. The training is being conducted by erudite faculty members from the institutes of Management, Behavior and Allied Sciences, Travel and Tourism and many other institutes of Amity.

A shuttle service is provided from Botanical Garden Metro Station to the campus in order help the volunteers in reaching the venue on time. The volunteers will be given free meals during the training.

There will be four kinds of training that will be imparted to volunteers namely General Training, Role Specific Training, Venue Specific Training and Leadership Training.

“India has the potential to show the whole world that Indians are the best hosts and can organize the greatest Commonwealth Games ever. It is with this commitment and a deep sense of pride that Amity stepped forward and was chosen as the Official Trainer for the forthcoming Common Wealth Games. At Amity, we have a passion, mission and junoon to see India amongst the front rank of nations of the world and are confident that every Indian will be proud to contribute to a highly successful Commonwealth Games” says Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity.