
23 Mar 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Education organises seminar cum workshop on the theme “Building a Sustainable Culture of Peace"

Amity Institute of Education conducted a seminar cum workshop on the theme “Building a Sustainable Culture of Peace” to celebrate the ongoing Amity Human Values Quarter at Amity University, Noida Campus, Sector-125

The chief guest for the inauguration of the seminar was Prof. (Dr.) G. Ravindra, Director, NCERT, New Delhi. Also present on the occasion were Prof. (Dr.) B. Shukla, Pro-VC (A), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Prof. P. Kaul, Director, Amity Institute of Education and Prof. B.B. Dhar, Director, Amity Academic Staff College and International Centre.

Prof. P. Kaul, Director, Amity Institute of Education briefed the audience regarding the ethos of Amity, that is, to be articulate and inculcate human values to its students which would inculcate peace and harmony in the lives of these future citizens of the country. She said that peace is the pre-requisite of any kind of progress and development. Peace should be shared and practiced by people from all the strata’s of society. The need of the hour is to sustain and develop peace.

Prof. (Dr.) B. Shukla, Pro-VC (A), Amity University Uttar Pradesh in her inaugural address said that the theme is quite apt for the present day scenario and also need of the hour. She highlighted the role of teachers in developing the culture of people in a society. A teacher has much impact on a child especially in the initial years. As those were the most important years which are immensely valuable. They can inculcate the value in the students to be good citizens and also as a good human being. The foundation of a good citizen is established at home which ultimately depends on the upbringing of a child by its parents. She insisted that individual should acquire inner peace. People have need and greed. Actually, when greed comes one cannot be happy. The internal peace is important to bring peace around. Inspiration is important in life to achieve the goals of life. There is meaning and purpose of our life. It is also important for an individual to be known and remembered in the years to come when he is no longer.

Prof. (Dr.) G. Ravindra, Director, NCERT, New Delhi presented his inaugural address and enlightened the audience by saying that one of the main purpose of education is to make the children understand certain values of life. If one understands the value of peace at an early age that will make one a better citizen. Peace is actually freedom from anxiety and mental agitation. Harmony in a society comes from peace along with education. It can be said that peace is a prelude for harmony. Peace is an experience and comes from practice. But peace is not only preaching. It is a combination of preach and practice.

Prof. Ravindra also said that NCERT takes around forty teachers every year for its course on peace education. Looking at the persistent problem of violence and terrorism peace is the demand of the day. There are initiatives taken by government and private entities in this aspect but it is not considered enough. His message on the seminar was that conflict resolution plays an important role in today’s world.