
05 Apr 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Chairman – Central Water Commission delivers lecture on "Water Scenario in India” during AIC lecture series

Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Chairman – Central Water Commission delivered a lecture on “Water Scenario in Indiaat Amity University, Sector-125, Noida. This was 158th lecture under AIC lecture series.

Mr. Rajesh Kumar was welcomed by Maj. Gen R.K. Dhawan, Advisor – International Affairs Department.

Mr. Rajesh Kumar stated that water is prime natural resource needed for the survival of life form. Most of the earth's surface consists of water. Oceans store 97.3% of the earth's water. Remaining 2.7% is fresh water but 2% is in the form of glacier and remaining 0.7% is drinkable water found in rivers, lakes and underground. The world population is depended on this 0.7% of drinkable water. Mr. Kumar said that to cater the requirement and proper management of water in the country, the Government of India has initiated Natural Water Policy from year 1987 which focuses on the areas like drinking water, irrigation, hydro power, energy, agro & non-agro industries and Navigation. While describing the role of Centre Water Commission (CWC) in India, Mr. Kumar said that CWC focuses on the following issues:

-          Water Resources Development and Management

-          Conflict Management

-          Co-operation with neighboring countries

-          Financial and Technical assistance

Mr. Kumar said that CWC is taking care of more than 5000 projects which includes Tehri Dam project, Nathpa Jhakri project, Sardar Sarovar project, Indira Sagar project, Upper Indravati project, Indira Gandhi Neher project etc. Mr. Kumar described the major water sector challenges which include:

-          Declining per capita availability

-          Over exploitation

-          Water resulted disasters

-          Deterioration of water quality

-          Impact of climate change

Mr. Kumar briefed the audience about the National Action Plan on climate change which has identified the approach to be adopted to meet the challenges of impact of climate change through different National Missions. National Water Mission is part of the National Mission and its five goals are:

-          Comprehensive water database in public domain

-          Promotion of citizen and state action plan for water conservation, augmentation and preservation

-          Increasing efficiency by 20%

-          Focused attention on vulnerable areas including over exploited areas

-          Promotion of basis level integrated water resource management

During the interactive session, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group said that the lecture was very enlightening as Mr. Kumar has given a wide view of the condition of water resources in India, its related problems and conservation. Dr. Chauhan said that we have to support the government in the water conservation and management. During the occasion Dr. Chauhan announced the establishment of Amity Centre for Water Technology and Management. This centre will present policy papers to government to improve the water condition in India.

Directors, Advisors, HODs and Senior officials of Amity University were present during the occasion.