
12 Mar 2013-20 Mar 2013|Noida | Amity University, Gurgaon

Amity University, Gurgaon in association with Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai commences workshop on “Radiochemistry and Application of Radioisotopes”

Amity University, Gurgaon commenced a 10 days workshop on “Radiochemistry and Application of Radioisotopes” in collaboration with Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai from March 12-20, 2013 at University Campus, Gurgaon

The workshop is a unique initiative by Amity to provide faculty and researchers with hands-on training on the use of radioisotopes in various fields of research and industry. The 9 day workshop is expected to equip the participants to realistically utilise the knowledge in the applications of radioisotopes in health care, agriculture and nuclear sciences. It provides training to the participants on both analytical and instrumental practices.

Dr D. D. Sood, Ex Director, Radiochemistry & Isotope Group, BARC, Dr Veena Sagar, Scientist, BARC, Shri Aseem K. Chauhan, Additional President RBEF, & Chancellor, Amity University Rajasthan and Dr R.C. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Gurgaon inaugurated the Workshop

Welcoming the august gathering, Dr Padmakali Banerjee, Pro Vice Chancellor, Amity University Haryana expressed her hope that the workshop will prove to be an effective forum for mutual interaction amongst scientists, faculty members and students of technical educational institutions and professionals. Terming the workshop a ‘beginning’, she highlighted that the workshop will open avenues for advance learning in the field of Radiochemistry and Applications of Radioisotopes.

Dr Veena Sagar, Scientist, BARC gave a comprehensive introduction to the workshop.

Dr D. D. Sood, Ex Director, Radiochemistry & Isotope Group, BARC gave an insight into the “Atomic Energy Programme in India”, wherein he brought out the role of Isotopes in Hydrology and their applications in various fields of research and industry.

Taking the discussion further, Dr Alok Srivastava from Punjab University Chandigarh, spoke on “Nuclear Stability & Structure” and aptly summed it up saying, ‘Radiation is safe, as far as one plays safe’.


Eminent scientists from premier institutes of India, who are engaged in hard-core research involving applications of radioisotopes, are delivering lectures on important aspects of radiochemistry and radioisotopes. The workshop will bring pioneers in this field under one umbrella to impart maximum benefit for the participants. The knowledge gained will give young researchers the opportunity to develop new and innovative ideas for research in this field. A vast number of Sr. Scientist/Scientists from BARC are the resource persons for the workshop including Dr. T.P. Chaturvedi, Dr. N. Sivaprasad, Shri. R.G. Dalavi, Dr. Manoj Srivastava, Shri. D.P. Rath, Shri. Prashant Patil, Dr. Yojana Singh, Dr. T.P. Chaturvedi, Shri. R.G. Dalavi, Dr. Manoj Srivastava and others.

Various topics that will be covered during the Workshop include “Radioactivity & Nuclear Decay”, “Interaction of Radiation with Matter”, “Radiation Detection & Measurement”, “Isotopes in Healthcare”, “Public Perception about Atomic Energy; Myths vs. Reality”, “Nuclear Reactors”, “Isotope Production and Industrial Applications”, “Neutron Activation Analysis”, “Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials”, “Isotopes in Food and Agriculture” and others.