
24 Nov 2012|Noida | Hotel Le Meridian, Janpath, New Delhi

Institute of Company Secretary of India held its first CONVOCATION - Dr Ashok Kumar Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group was the Chief Guest of the occasion

The Institute of Company Secretaries(ICSI) organized its first ever Convocation in Northern Region for its members to award the certificate of membership of the Institute to newly qualified members. The medals to the meritorious students pursuing the Company Secretary ship Course were also given by Dr Ashok Kumar Chauhan, Founder President, Amity who was the Chief Guest at the Convocation program of ICSI on November 24, 2012 at Hotel Le Meridian, Janpath, New Delhi.


During addressing the gathering Dr. Ashok Kumar Chauahn, Founder President, Amity extended his heartiest congratulations to all Company Secretaries who were present there for their achievement. He said there are so many professions in the world where one can be successful but the Company Secretary is one of those professions which can bring success and transform the nation too. “Practice makes a man perfect and learning never ends” remarked Dr. Chauhan. He also included that a CS can work for big corporate as well as become an entrepreneur too which adds great value to our country’s GDP. One should have an urge to reach at pinnacle, adversities will always come on the path of success, but never give up and keep moving straight towards the goals of life advised Dr. Chauhan.


While delivering his speech Mr. Rajiv Bajaj, Chairmain, ICSI said that when it comes to choose career, one has to be very conscious as this decision has a big impact on anyone’s life. In today’s world the scope for a company secretary to grow is high as the corporate sector is a fast moving one in today’s India especially with the importance to globalization. With the growth of companies, there is also an increase of legalities of various kinds. Here, comes the role of a Company Secretary since he is the one to provide advice on legal matters, tax, corporate policies. Thus, the job of a CS is a very responsible job, one should handle every single term very cautiously said Mr. Bajaj.


At the end all newly qualified members of the Institute of Company Secretary took oath and Mr. N.K. Jain, Secretary & CEO, ICSI made an important announcement that Dr. Ashok Kumar Chauhan has agreed to sign an MOU with ICSI for recognizing Associate Company Secretary as a qualification for pursuing PHD degree at Amity University.