
03 Dec 2012-07 Dec 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

One Week training for Indian Forest Service (IFS) Officers on “Valuation of Eco-System Services” begins at Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development

Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development has started one week (Dec3- 7, 2012) training for Indian Forest Service (IFS) Officers on “Valuation of Eco-System Services” at Amity campus, Sector-125, Noida. In this five day long training session, 17 IFS officers from 17 states will participate and share their experiences related to forestry.

Welcoming the august gathering Prof. B.K.P Sinha, Director, Amity School of Natural resources & Sustainable development said that Environmental Economic is a new science which has started recently in which people are doing research these days. Decision makers i.e. analysts, economist, etc. go by the economics of the proposal of any country. According to the Economic survey of 2011-12 says GDP growth of the country is 6.9% for current fiscal year remarked Prof. Sinha wherein some of the growth comes from the heart of the forest. Anyone considering a project of the nation would like to assess the environmental economy. Calculation of Green GDP is important. He also stated that 23% of the physical, geographical area of the country is managed by IFS officers. As a responsible Forest Officer every IFS officer should focus on sustainable management too as they are not just scientist but managers of the resources as well added Prof. Sinha.


Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Acting Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh said that this training comprises of important concerns related to the forest sector and touches the basic concepts of life and nation. Trees are being cut down from all or most of the forested area, which leads to deforestation at a very high level. It can erode soils, contribute to desertification and the pollution of waterways, and decreased biodiversity through the destruction of habitat.


Prof. B.K.P Sinha gave a presentation on “Ecosystem & Bio diversity conservation: - Need for Economic Valuation to initiate the session”. Development of one requires the harmonious evolution of others said Prof Sinha. Forest influences are also required. The forestry in the Indian economy plays a vital role. He discussed about the status of forest and told that there is an increase of 1128 sq km of forest cover from 2009 to 2011. In hills & tribal districts there is also a decrease of forest cover of 548 sq. km & 679 sq. km from 2009 assessment. Total C stock is the forest of India in 6663 m t. Total growing stock of forest & trees outside forest has been estimated 6047.15 mcum. The topic he covered in his presentation includes degraded /waste land in India, desertification/ land degradation, Matrix of possible impacts of other sectoral policies on forest development and opportunities created. He also mentioned the policy implementation issues which are as follows:-

·         Economy wide policies and environment

·         Policy implementation constraints

·         The distribution of costs & benefits

·         Global and Transitional policy issues

The other topics which will be covered during this five day long training sessions will include Valuating Storm Protection of Mangroves and Casuarina -Implications for Coastal Planning, Inventory of forest parameters and carbon mapping using LIDAR Technique, Identification and evaluation of Forest Eco-system Services, Valuing the Forests for Sustainable Development, Environmental Auditing, Economics of Eco System Services and Biodiversity, Measuring Green GDP: Valuation of Ecosystem Services, etc.