
22 Jan 2013|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Justice Ashok Patnaik, Member Judicial, Central Administrative Tribunal, Cuttack Bench delivers lecture at Amity Law School, Centre-II

Amity Law School, Centre –II organized its 15th Guest Lecture on 22nd Jan,2013 on the topic: Service Laws: Procedure and Practise and Practise by  Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ashok Patnaik, Member Judicial, Central Administrative Tribunal, cuttack Bench at I-2 Block, Moot Court Hall.

Mr. Patnaik started with a parable to bring home to the students the relevance of skills and devotion in every sphere of life and especially in the field of law which requires sound judgment and practice.  He also distributed some notes on legal terms and laws to the students and faculty and cited many cases from his own practice and emphasized the importance of facts over laws. He threw light on various laws and talked about the constitution of law and how some practical problems and lacunae in laws make it difficult in deliverance of justice to the common man.  He made the atmosphere very light and discussed some grave issues of law and judiciary with such simplicity and comprehensive language much to delight of the audience. He said “Convince the judge with facts first” and also to be human while dealing with clients.

Hon’ble Mr Justice Patnaik was presented a memento of gratitude and appreciation by Addl.Director, ALS  Centre II Prof.Mamata Srivasatav. The event turned out to be a great platform for sharing knowledge to the young budding lawyers of Amity University.