
08 Feb 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Through education we can bring peace, says HE Mr. Abdullah Gul- President of Turkey during his visit to Amity

It was a historic occasion for Amity University when President of Turkey, HE Mr. Abdullah Gul visited the campus in Noida and addressed the eagerly waiting students, faculty members of Amity and eminent dignitaries from Corporate and educational sector. The University conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree on the President during the solemn ceremony.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity University and Mr. Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University honored the President of Turkey with an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophy along with a citation.

Expressing his heart felt gratitude on being conferred with distinguished Doctorate Degree, Turkish President while delivering his acceptance speech said, “it gives me profound pleasure to be in Amity University and address the students. I have special interest in the centers of higher education, they are the future of our world and are means to reach lasting peace, security and prosperity. Amity University will go down in the pages of history as a shining example of academic and intellectual excellence. Its achievements are truly impressive. Indeed, educationists are responsible for shaping a better tomorrow, the idols of peace, harmony, understanding, co-existence, democracy can only be embedded in the eager minds of future generations through education. I believe that educators are among those who deserve the greatest gratitude. Today, our world is going through a phase of change, a change which is deeply felt globally. We must acknowledge that our world is facing numerous challenges and these challenges range from threat of terrorism to unresolved disputes, economic crisis, poverty, hunger and climate change. All these challenges are of global character and affect every single person of international community, regardless of geography, ethnicity or economic prowess. With the growth of IT, our world has become ever smaller as a result our problems have become common. We must confront each and every one of these challenges without any room for pessimism. I believe that every problem has a solution. Today, there is a growing understanding in the International community that the shortcomings or deficiencies of present global order have to be changed. For this reason, we are in a unique position to be able to shape a new order of things ranging from economics to governance, transparency to legitimacy. Take for instance, the recent global financial crisis affected all of us but we sorted the way out. The International Community can join and work together to find the solutions to global problems in a more efficient way. The commendable role of G-20 and all its members including those from India in this regard should be seen as a fine example which could be employed for other problems also. To be able to succeed in this direction, the countries have to set aside their differences and focus on acting in unison. Some of these problems will have to be solved by this generation, Turkish and Indian youth are the future and they will have to develop full confidence in them. It is undeniable that Asia as a whole will leave its mark in the 21st century with its ever growing economies and extending capabilities and influences. Asians especially Indians and Chinese are gaining more and more attention.”

Thanking the Honorable President for accepting the honor, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Universe said, “ it is an unforgettab1e moment in the lives of all Amitians to see the His Excellency in person.”. During the occasion, Dr. Chauhan also announced the launch of “Amity Indo- Turkey Commerce Science and Technology Foundation”, which will work in the areas of Commerce, Science and Technology and thereby bring laurels to both the respective countries.

His Excellency was accompanied by his wife Hayrunnisa Gul and a high level delegation comprising of Staff Col. Ismail Güneser -Chief Aide de Camp to the President, Mr. Sevki MÜTEVELLIOGLU -Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Chief of State Protocol, Lt.Col. Kubilayhan ERMAN -Aide de Camp to the President, Mr. Osman ÇANGAL-Security Advisor to the President, Mr. Ogün BAHADIR- Director General of the Protocol Department, Presidency, Mr. Bahri BATU-Foreign Policy Specialist, Presidency, Mrs. F. Begüm ATAY - Deputy Director General of the Protocol Department, Presidency and other important officials.

President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gul is on a six-day visit to Delhi from February 7 to 12, 2010 to mull over the improvement of bilateral relations, focusing on economic and political ties. Civil nuclear cooperation is also expected to be discussed between the two sides.