
08 Apr 2011|Noida | Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Amity Institute of Biotechnology and Amity Institute of Anthropology organize a Talk Show on the topic ‘Women in Higher Education’ as part of the Human Values Quarter 2011 at Amity University

Amity Institute of Biotechnology and Amity Institute of Anthropology organized a Talk Show on the topic ‘Women in Higher Education’ as part of the Human Values Quarter 2011 at Amity University, Noida Campus, Sector-125

The panelists of the talk show were Dr. Seema Kapoor, Pediatrician, Maulana Azad Hospital and Lok Nayak Hospital, Prof. A.K. Srivastava, Director General, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Dr. Rumy Deb, Director, Amity Institute of Anthropology, Dr. S.K. Pachauri, Director, AIGG and Dr. Abha Agnihotri, Head of the Department, Amity Centre for Agriculture Biotechnology

Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group, Dr. Rick Levy, American Clinical Psychologist and Ms. Liza Tatum Levy, Academician and Counselor were present in the Talk Show.

Dr. Seema Kapoor, Pediatrician, Maulana Azad Hospital and Lok Nayak Hospital opened the Talk Show by saying, “women should be given an opportunity to get higher education so that women can inculcate good values in the children through their moral ethics.”

The society should understand that morally and ethically birth of a female child is as good as the birth of a male child. Both have equal importance in society. Female feticide needs to be stopped to increase the growth in female population comparison to male and unequal distribution of work between male and female children should be done in the family. It is observed that in most of the competitive exams girls excel. It is in our culture and heritage to give quality time to the girls so that they can compete with the boys. Girls have more potential than boys as in lesser time girls can do far better than the boys, commented Dr. Seema Kapoor.

Dr. Kapoor gave some ideas which the society should take like both the male and female should recognize their responsibilities to remove discrepancies in the family, elementary education for females is of prime importance and there should be flexible time schedule for the working women. She said that women of today are acting in a balanced way. Women have better time management skll, more productive and efficient. Therefore, they should not be deprived of better opportunities. Improved infrastructural facilities are to be provided to the females of the society.

Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group appreciating the theme of the Talk Show said that women are the basis of society. Good human values can be inculcated by women in a child. Therefore, women should be encouraged to achieve higher education. Educated women can imbibe good values in a child in a better way. Dr. Chauhan insisted more seminars, debates and talk shows on women oriented topics.

While expressing her views on the theme, ‘Women in Higher Education’, Dr. Abha Agnihotri, Head of the Department, Amity Centre for Agriculture Biotechnology said, “it is age old tradition to believe that girl child are the burden of the family and boys are the bread earners and support the family. But women are more nurturing and caring. God has blessed women with certain qualities and values due to which a child is more attached to the mother and learn all the good values from her in the initial stage. Females of the family play a very crucial role in the development of the family members in all the aspects.”

The Talk Show was very interactive and informative. It gave opportunity to the students and faculty members to put up their points on the theme of the Talk Show.