
08 Mar 2011|Noida | Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Centenary celebration of International Women’s Day starts at Amity University Uttar Pradesh

The three week long centenary celebration of International Women’s Day organized by Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences (AIPS) and Amity Institute of Behavioral Health & Allied Sciences (AIBHAS) on the theme “Equal Access to Education, Science & Technology: Pathway to Decent Work for Women” kick started at the Amity Campus, Sector – 125, Noida.

The celebration of International Women’s Day is to salute the women achievers politically, socially and economically and motivate the entire women folk to liberate themselves from the age old social evils that are being imposed on them since time immemorial. The motivating slogan adopted by Amity University for women empowerment is “Strong Women, Strong India, Strong World”

A panel discussion was organized on the day with eminent guest speakers Dr. Aruna Mukim, Chairperson, Amanuday and Ms. Anupama Jha, Executive Director, Transparency International India

Welcoming and addressing the august gathering, Prof. Abha Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Behavioral Health and Allied Sciences said that the International Women’s Day is celebrated to remind us to reaffirm, resurrect and indebt the commitment of women empowerment. Women are the centre of life and society cannot grow without women’s contribution. Therefore, it is essential to look into the rights of women. Although women are considered second citizen’s but the contribution of women in every walk of life is noteworthy. Women are the creator, caretaker and fighter. It is true and well said that behind every successful man there is a women and it is also true that behind every successful women there is determination and hard work.”

While speaking on women empowerment, Dr. Aruna Mukim, Chairperson, Amanuday said, “Man and women are the two wheels of life’s carriage. We as women should have special recognition in the society. The females are intrinsically stronger than man. There were lot of social evils which the women of India and Middle East gone through like the parda system, child marriage, female feticide, etc. Then came the phase of women’s liberalization which gave lot of boost to women empowerment. But still in India, 50 percent of the women don’t have the knowledge of fundamental rights. Hunger for power is also deteriorating the position of females in the society.”

“Television as a medium of mass communication has made lot of women oriented programmes which are helping the women of current generation to be aware of their rights and duties” opined Dr. Aruna Mikim.

Ms. Anupama Jha, Executive Director, Transparency International India said, “whatever the women do, it must be twice the good to compete with their male counterparts, to be considered half as good in every aspect is still the norm followed in Indian Culture be it home or at work. Unequal status is provided to women in comparison with male counterparts since time immemorial. But women can be self-sufficient and independent if opportunities are provided. The major problem in Indian society is that women are not allowed to take decisions as still women are looked down upon. Lack of education, early marriage, early pregnancy and male domination are certain problems which the women in India are still facing. We are trying to empower ourselves. We are to think for the development of the country too. As it is believed that one’s motherland is more important than one’s mother.”

The was a very interactive and thought provoking Question and Answer session. The students presented a Skit – “Voice of Reasons” which depicted various problems the women in the society are facing, video presentation “Strength of SHE”, Poem recitation on women empowerment, inter institution poster making competition on the theme “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace” on the occasion.

During the three week long centenary celebration of International Women’s Day there will be debates and discussion on the topics Role of Women in Corruption Eradication, Role of Women in Good Governance, Role of Women in managing Conflicts, Celebrating Past, Planning for future- from Women’s perspective, Role and achievements of women in Science and Technology, Breaking glass Ceiling in workplace- issues and challenges faced by women and Education of a girl child – way to development of two families and nation building