
24 Feb 2011-26 Feb 2011|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity University organises Amity International Model United Nations (AMIMUN ’11)

Amity Internatiional Model United Nations 2011 (AMIMUN ’11) got off to a good start on the 24 February 2011 with the inauguration of its first Conference. Over 200 delegates from all over the country and abroad have registered for the Conference. The Inaugural session was addressed by Ms. Rineeta Naik, Assistant Information Officer of the UNIC in India and Bhutan, Ms. Jyoti Arora, Head, Amity Education Resource Centre, Prof. Balvinder Shukla, Pro VC (A) AUUP, and Maj. Gen. K.J.Singh, Vice Chancellor, AUUP. A Sovenir was also released on the occasion from the dais. Some business sessions later in the afternoon were blessed with the visit of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity University.

The following business sessions in the afternoon saw active participation of delegates representing different countries of the world:

United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
The Security Council started with a heated debate between DPRK and USA and ended with the same. The delegates deliberated on the conflict situation in the Korean Peninsula. While debating, the Security Council touched upon food security and denuclearisation of DPRK. A variety of motions were passed, the atmosphere was intense. The day was all about the USA and the Democratic Republic of Korea with the President clarifying issues every few minutes.

United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC)
The delegates of UNHRC convened today to discuss the agenda. Extra judicial kilings, Arbitrary Detentions and forced disappearances as a violation of human rights. Comprising mainly of newcomers, the council, though it started slow, saw debate shaping up by the final hour of the day, where the delegates were involved evenly in the discussion at hand.

General Assembly II (ECOFIN)
The Second Committee of the General Assembly: Economic and Financial discussed Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources. There was an argument over natural resources. Israel as the main occupying nation fended off accusations of unfair claims to waters in the Golan citing its answerability to its own citizens, the security of the resources and Israeli sovereignty. Oman along with Haiti vehemently advocated the Arab cause as also the issue of Golan waters. Oman reiterated that the Arab nations didnt hold anything against Israel, but at the same time pressed for a resolution of the issues. In another drastic turn, Iran appreciated USA attempts at resolving the crisis in a constructive manner, i.e., formation of a new committee.

General Assembly III (UNSOCHUM)
At the beginning of the session, on request of the Delegate of Israel, the second agenda “Causes for conflict and sustainable development in Africa” was dealt with first. The session got off to a shaky start with delegates discussing everything from peacekeeping missions in Africa, blood diamonds, need for democracy to corruption. The post-tea session saw the debate gaining momentum based on the direction provided by the Executive Board. Reiterating age old problems, the delegates finally came up with some interesting solutions. The sessions progressed with some very interesting light hearted moments that kept everyone hooked.

United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD)
Today the Commission on Science and Technology for Development discussed their first agenda: Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning with a little bit of genetic modification. Later in the council the delegates were provided with a headsup by the Executive Board on subtopics to be addressed and what approach the delegates should take in order to reach consensus. The delegates started with the pros and cons of reproductive cloning and moved into the ethical concerns regarding the same. It was a day that moved at a snail pace because not only was the committee full of new comers but many of the important nations did not turn up and some absconded while the session was in the midst of an Unmoderated Caucus.