
25 Feb 2011|Noida | Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi

Dr. Mahesh Vidyalankar, Prof. of Hindi, Delhi University delivers lecture at Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi

As a part of the Amity Human Value Quarter, Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi organised a lecture by Dr. Mahesh Vidhyalankar, Prof of Hindi, Delhi University on the theme of “Life and Values”.

Dr. Mahesh Vidyalankar, started his session by the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra. He enlightened the teacher trainees and the faculty of AIE with his thoughts on the importance of Living Life with truth and dignity. Dr. Vidyalankar stressed upon the role of teachers in shaping the personality and character of a student, who, is a part of a bigger society. He said that living life as given by the almighty is an art and we as human beings need to learn this art. God has given us only happiness and it is we who in our quest for worldly pleasures do not value the goodness of life and all that it offers to us. On which he quotes, “For good living you only need good thoughts, and not materialistic comforts.”

Dr. Vidyalankar opined that the human species is above all species of the world that the supreme power governs and hence the essence of his existence can be realized when man achieves the golden path of “Awareness of Self” and the surroundings. Once he is aware of how to react in and live in a situation he shall get closer to his inner goodness and ultimately nearer to his spiritual awakening. The world as he explained, is an opn book, for us to learn from making nature is the best teacher.

Apart from emphasizing the importance of nature, Dr. Vidyalankar, portrayed women as having the power to mould individuals for a better society. According to him, women naturally possess the gifts of humility, love, kindness and most importantly forgiveness. It is due to these qualities that women, occupy a pivotal position in the society. Therefore, despite changing times and developments, he encouraged us to imbibe these values to become effective teachers who would train young minds to be good human beings.

Dr. Vidyalankar concluded with a message that what ever it is we choose to do in our lives, we should do it with a positive spirit without letting our minds dwell on the petty issues, therefore, living life to its fullest.