
16 Feb 2011|Noida | Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Three day Management Festival “TRENDS 2011” starts at Amity Business School

Amity Business School, which is known for churning out the " Best Managers and Leaders" of the industry, kick started three day 16th Annual Management Festival - TRENDS 2011 from February 16- 18, 2011 on the theme "Winning Strategies in a rapidly changing Global Business Scenario" at Amity University Campus, Sector 125, Noida.

Amity Business School (ABS) has always focused on developing a global outlook amongst the new cadre of management professionals who are multi-sklled and have the capability to deliver in cross functional teams with a deep understanding of ethical and value based business processes. "Trends 2011" is one such key initiative by Amity Business School to achieve the aim of nurturing globally competent managers.

The Summit started with "Annual Business Summit" during which Mr Mukesh Aghi- CEO,STERIA, Mr. Robinder Sachdeva- CMD ImagIndia and Mr Mark Runaces- Indian Advisor, Confederation of British Industries enlightened the gathering with their vast treasures of experience and knowledge on the topic "Winning Strategies in a rapidly changing Global Business Scenario"

Welcoming the august gathering, Dr. Sanjay Srivastava- Head, Amity Business School presented a brief overview of the three day Management Festival which, he said, would comprise of 8 different competitions with 127 teams from different institutions like IIT, Delhi, IIM- L, IIM- K, IIFT, Delhi, FMS, Delhi, Fore School of Management, Symbiosis, Pune and IP University and 51 Corporate teams from Standard Chartered Bank, Ericsson, KPMG, Infosys, Accenture, NTPC, HCL and IBM are participating. He, further, called upon the students to make the best out of their interface with the renowned industry leaders and eminent academicians which will enhance manifold their knowledge of the industry and the winning strategies adopted by them to survive the cut throat competition.

Outlining the four major changing trends which are taking place in local and global environment, Dr. Mukesh Aghi- Chief Executive Officer, STERIA who has done his Phd. internship under World Renowned Management Guru, Mr. Peter Drucker said, “the nations across the world are facing global realignment either its economic or military, IT is getting much pervasive and is revolutionizing the way businesses are done worldwide, there is a growing interdependence between nations in the form of trade as a result of which economy of one country affects the economy of other country (70% of crop spoilage in China resulted in rising of food prices in India) and the trend of resource protection and hoarding is becoming prominent amongst nations because of the ever growing pressure on the limited reserves of resources.” Dwelling, further, on some of the winning strategies to combat the changes in global business scenario, he called upon the students to “take risks and never be afraid of failures, have defined goals in their lives, celebrate success in every aspect, think global but act local and have a value system which will help them to keep going in times of difficulty.”

Sharing his views with the gathering, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group and a great Strategist said, strategy devising has acquired a lot of importance in today’s corporate world and strategy can help a corporate achieve anything and everything on the earth. “Strategy is a base for every business move and every business decision whether it’s the mission or vision of the company. In the absence of right strategy, the corporate can go astray and the corporate needs to prioritise between the issues which are “important” and issues which are “urgent”

Dr U D Chaubey -Director General, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises with over 37 years of experience in industry commended the title of the Summit and termed it as very “apt and relevant”. Sharing his views on the topic, Mr. Chaubey highlighted that the concept of strategy has changed in present business scenario and a good strategy can distinguish one business entity from others, provided the strategy is based on transparency, responsibility and accountability. Though adopting Imitation as a Strategy is easy but sustainability can be assured through Innovation Strategy only. Unless and until, a business entity excels in one area or another, there is no place for it in the industry. He concluded his informative address focussing on the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and averred, “If people’s expectations are not met, then a company has no sustainability in Corporate Sector”

Other prominent corporate leaders who were present during the stimulating discussions and deliberations during the day were Mr. Nitish Sengupta- Chairman, Board of Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprise and Mr K.M. Nanaiah- MD, Pitney Bowes India Pvt. Limited

The evening saw the "Mystical Sufi and Qawalli" performance by Nizami Bandhu which regaled the audience to the hilt.

The second day of TRENDS 2011 saw a plethora of disparate events catering to both entertainment and knowledge of the participants and students.

During the session of ‘ABHIVYAKTI & ANVESHAN’ which was themed on “Promoting business excellence through best quality practices for sustained success of an organization” corporate leaders and trend setters shared their views with the audience. Lt. Gen. H. Lal, Ex – Director General, Quality Forum, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Quality Advisor of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) said “The Quality Management professionals of India need to focus on an overall quality development of the organizations. There is an immense need to ferret out the reason as to why quality is not prioritized in the board rooms of the Indian industries”. Citing the example of Japan which witnessed a phenomenal progress owing to its Quality Management professionals, Lt. Gen Lal advised the future management leaders to focus on Quality development in tandem with generating heftier revenues for the organizations.

Sharing his expert views on Quality Management, Mr. Vinod K. Mehandru, CEO, Nimble Systems Pvt. Ltd ‘stated “Quality Excellence is no longer a choice as it has emerged as a compulsion in the present times wherein the biggest challenge is ‘how to keep the journey of excellence going?” He added “although the situation may seem dire but unanimous effort to work towards Quality enhancement will endow the organizations with holistic Quality development in the times to come.”

Simultaneously a cluster of other captivating and competitive events took place during the second day of TRENDS 2011 which saw the vibrant and intellectual participation of various teams from the top notch institutes such as IIT, Delhi, ILM, Greater Noida IMT, Ghaziabad, Symbiosis, Pune, Delhi School of Economics, IIFT, Delhi, Jamia Milia Islamiya etc.

During ‘LAKSHA’ – a ‘Business Plan Competition’ about ten teams competed with one another to make effective presentations on ‘Current Management Strategies to cope with the changing business scenario’.

During ‘SHRESHTHA’ – spread over two days (February 17th – 18th , 2011) eighteen teams from different sought after colleges locked horns with one another to win the title of ‘The Best Manager’ which has to be screened after rounds of group discussion, situational analysis, manager resources, case studies and stress interview.

Small competitive and fun filled sub events such as the Marketers Quest, Tambola game etc were the chief attractions of “TRISHNA”.

Students from various prestigious colleges and institutes of Delhi and NCR showed their action packed participation during the Stock game ‘MUDRA’.