
11 Feb 2011|Noida | Jaipur Polo Ground, New Delhi

Sahgal Stud and Cavalry – Team Jindal reaches Finals of Amity Polo Cup

Amity Polo Cup (8 Goals) polo tournament is being played this week with 8 teams participating.

Semi Final matches of the tournament were played today at the Jaipur Polo Ground.

The first Semi Final match was played between the teams of Sahgal Stud and Jindal-IPG, in which Sahgal Stud beat Jindal-IPG by 11 ½ goals is to 7 goals.

The second match was played between Cavalry – Team Jindal Polo and Armoured Corps in which Cavalry – Team Jindal Polo beat Armoured Corps by 6 goals is to 2½ goals.