
24 Nov 2010-26 Nov 2010|Noida | Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development organized a training programme on “Food Security, poverty and Land Husbandry: Issues, Challenges and opportunities

Food security refers to availability of safe and nutritious food and one’s access to it. For a country like India where a significant percentage of the population sleeps hungry and children are underweight and die of hunger, food security assumes a matter of highest priority. The Government of India is taking steps to combat the menace of hunger by enacting the Food Security Act which is still in the form of a draft Food Security Bill.

Our development process must address the elimination of all sorts of hunger, malnutrition and ill-health. Thus, the management of land on scientific principle has to receive a center stage in our planning process.

Keeping the above in view Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development conducted a three day training programme on “Food Security, poverty and Land Husbandry: Issues, Challenges and opportunities from November 24-26, 2010 at the Noida Campus, Sector-125

Prof. B.K.P. Sinha, Director, Amity School of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development (ASNR&SD) and Rear Admiral R.C. Kocchar inaugurated the training programme.

Dr. Sunil Saran, Vice Chairman, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation spoke on ‘Diversification of Agricultural Crops for the rain fed areas.” Mr. D.C. Das, Director, DBD Environmental Services and Development Initiative Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi spoke on “Watershed Development in India: Recent Experiences and Emerging Issues for Sustainable Development of Rainfed areas.

Twenty senior officers of different discipline from various Government Department like Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Department of Land Resources, Department of Forests etc took part in the Training Programme.

The valedictory ceremony of the training program was held on November 26,2010 at F-Block MDP Room, Amity University, Sector-125 Noida. Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Universities graced the occasion.

During the final day of training program two technical sessions were organised. During first session Dr. B.K. Prasad, Sr. Manager, Gramin Vikas Trust, Ranchi talked about "Role of Plantation in Food Security, Poverty Alleviation and Natural Resource Management Experiences of EIRPF in Government". Mr. M. Rajagopal, Indian Economic Service (Retd.) talked on Economic Facilitators for Alleviation of Rural Poverty. Dr. T.K. Sarkar, Water Technology Mission briefed the audience on the topic Conservation of Soil Moisture through Mechanical Measure for Improving the Soil Productivity.

During second session Mr. R.P. Mattoo, President, Natural Resources Indian Foundation presented his views on Organic Farming for Food, Health and Livelihood Security in Rainfed Farming Areas.