
25 Oct 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity University felicitates Yoga Performers of the Opening Ceremony of Commonwealth Games-2010

The Felicitation Function of the student volunteers who participated as performers of the Grand Opening ceremony of CWG- 2010 was held on October 25, 2010 at Amity University, Sector 125 Campus. Dr.Balvinder Shukla , Pro Vice Chancellor AUUP, Wing.Cdr. R.R. Gupta & Mr. Shravan Kumar Tiwari of Patanjali Yogpeeth were present in the function.

To acknowledge the commendable contribution by the performers of Amity, Patanjali Yogpeeth presented a citation to the Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Pro Vice Chancellor(A), AUUP. Wing Commander R.R. Gupta read out the citation for the audience. He appreciated the initiative and dedication of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group and Amity University put forward to bring pride to our Nation. He also mentioned the praiseworthy discipline and conduct of the participants from Amity.

Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Pro Vice Chancellor(A), AUUP expressed her immense pride and happiness in congratulating the performers while addressing the gathering, and motivated them for extending their service to the society as well as to the Nation. She took the opportunity to thank Swami Baba Ramdev, Founder, Patanjali Yogpeeth for his incredible contribution to serve the humanity.

All the participants were awarded with two certificates, from Patanjali Yogpeeth and Organising Committee-CWG. As a token of appreciation, Patanjali Yogpeeth presented cash awards of Rs.1000/- to each participant.

Ms. Vandana Sharma proposed the vote of thanks