
25 Nov 2010|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Delegation from Cranfield University, UK visits Amity University

Delegation from Cranfield University, UK visits Amity University Campus, Sector - 125 Noida on November 25, 2010. Dr Kal Karim, Business Director of Cranfield Health, Cranfield University, UK, Ms. Joan Houghten, Senior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology, Dr. Dhana Lakshami, Research Fellow, Royal Society International Incoming Fellow and a member of Business Team, Cranfield University were part of the delegation.

Delegation members met with Dr. Sunil Saran, Dr. A.K. Srivastava, Dr. Ajit Varma, Dr, R.P. Singh, Maj.Gen R.K. Dhawan, Dr. V.K. Jain, Dr. S.C Jain, Dr. J.N. Kaul, Dr. Tanu Jindal, Wg. Cdr. S.K. Goel.

Dr. Gurinder Singh, Pro Vice Chancellor (I) met with the delegation.

Delegation also visited laboratories of Amity University and Amity Innovation Incubator.

The purpose of the visit was to explore possible collaboration with key departments for mutual benefit in following fields:-

(a)Exchange of scientific, academic and technical information and appropriate academic materials and other information of mutual interest.
(b) Identify opportunities for exchange and co-operation and joint research and development in disciplines of mutual interest.
(c) Identify opportunities for commercialization of technology at global market.
(d)Participation of joint academic and scientific activities such as seminars and conferences and exchange of students.