
26 Oct 2010|Noida | Amity University Uttar Pradesh

High Level Delegation from Virginia, USA visited Amity University

A high level delegation from Virginia Polytechnique Institute and State University of USA visited Amity University Uttar Pradesh. The aim of visit was to expand educational ties with India.

The delegation took an overview of the institutional history and growth of Amity University and took a guided tour of the campus. An informal interaction regarding the possibility of exchange programmes between the two universities was discussed at length. The delegation also attended the ongoing session of Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine & Forensic Science INPALMS-2010.

Dr. B. Shukla, Pro-VC (A), Amity University Uttar Pradesh along with the senior officials of the University was also present on the occasion.

The team members of the delegation comprises of A.J. Jack Davis, Dean of College of Agriculture and Urban Planning Reynolds Metal, Professor of Architecture, Patrick Miller, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Outreach and Robert Schubert, CAUS Associate Dean for Research & Director, Master of Science in Architecture Program