
18 Nov 2014|Noida | F1 MDP Room

Far Eastern University, Philippines visits Amity University to Explore the Possibilities of Collaboration

 Amity University organized a preliminary meeting with Far Eastern University, Philippines, to explore partnership opportunities between the two Universities. A high-level delegation from Far Eastern University visited the campus today.

The five member delegation was led by Prof. Dr. Joel M. Chavez, Dean of Institute of Arts and Sciences and accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adalbert M. Alcaide, Associate Dean, Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management, Assoc. Prof. Harold John D. Culala, Institute of Education Director, Office of Education Technology and Asst. Prof. Allan L. Lagrosa, Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts.

Welcoming the guests, Dr. Gurinder Singh, Group Additional Vice Chancellor Amity University said the Amity University believes in providing quality education and training to the students. Mr. Singh apprised that Amity is keen on collaborations for establishment of Joint Centre of Excellence, Exploring possibilities of academic tie-up for semester abroad programme, Sponsoring Internship, Joint Supervision of PhD Programmes and Joint filing of patents. He further added that the partnership will be a good opportunity for the two universities to share education and training experiences.

Addressing the gathering, Prof. Dr. Joel M. Chavez said that Far Eastern University shares the similar vision as Amity of cultivating a campus environment that is committed to cultivate a culture of excellence in academics and beyond. He further added that similar to Amity, Far Eastern University also believes in providing complete holistic development of its students. He praised the infrastructure, atmosphere and culture of Amity University. Sharing his views on areas of interest, Dr, Joel said that Far Eastern University is willing to establish cooperative relations in the field of India Immersion Programme, Student Exchange, Research Collaboration and establishment of space for Curtin Officials in Amity University and vice-versa.

The meeting was attended by Senior Officials, HOIs, faculty and staff of Amity University.