
24 Aug 2023|Noida | Amity University, Noida

Amity University conducts “Anti- drug Awareness Campaign” for students


Amity Institute of Indian System of Medicine (AIISM), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida organized an "Anti – Drug Awareness Campaign" to raise awareness about the harmful effects of drug addiction and prevention of substance abuse amongst the youth.

Addressing the students, Guest of Honor” Sri R. B. Singh, DCP-FRO, Cyber, Police Lines, Anti-narcotics, averred, “Drug addiction is increasing rapidly, and youngsters are easily succumbing to it. It is essential to taking good care of our health and maintain a healthy lifestyle since it enhances our self-esteem and we feel good about ourselves. Those who exercise regularly never indulge in drugs for momentary pleasure since they are mentally happy and calm. Youth is the most precious time of one’s life and they must not waste their precious time and ruin their bodies by indulging in such unhealthy and harmful activities. When a person takes drugs, not only that particular person, but the whole family suffers mentally, physically and financially. Therefore, students must dream big and focus on their future goals instead of falling prey to drug addiction.”

Speaking about the ill-effects and steps to be taken to stop substance abuse, Dr Rupali P. Shivalkar, Medical Director, Shanti Home Advanced Deaddiction, Mental Health Clinic, & Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Greater Noida, stated, “There are 2 million opiate users and 9 million cannabis users in India currently. People start taking drugs because of peer pressure and to experience pleasure and relaxation, which is momentary. The physical symptoms of drug abuse include dull looking eyes, drowsiness, weight loss, coughing and weakness. Drugs are harmful not only for health but also result in financial loss and mental sickness. Therefore, spreading awareness and sharing information about the effects of drugs on one’s brain and body is the first step towards prevention. In addition, medication, counselling, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and rebuilding support system also helps drug addicts to get rid of drug addiction.” 


Highlighting the significance of the Awareness Programme, Dr. S. K Srivastava, Mentor, AIISM said, “Drug addiction is becoming common amongst the youth today and they indulge in it without thinking about the detrimental consequences. Substance abuse is not only illegal but also very harmful for one’s physical and mental health. In order to stay away from drugs, students should exercise regularly, practice yoga, eat healthy food and avoid junk food completely. Participating in outdoor activities and remaining physically fit is of utmost importance and therefore one must pay attention to the physical and mental health. Students must stay away from drugs at any cost because once they are addicted to drugs, it is very difficult to come out of the addiction.”

The programme was attended by students of Amity in large numbers and concluded with a Q&A Session.