
25 Apr 2023|Noida | Amity University, Noida

Voluntary Blood Donation Camp organized at Amity University


Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida campus, organized an awareness campaign and Voluntary Blood Donation Camp, to make students aware of the importance of blood donation. The camp was inaugurated by Dr. Sameer Kumar, CEO, Navjeevan Medical Research Foundation and Trust of Noida Charitable Blood Bank, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and Dr. W. Selvamurthy, Chairman, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation. A large number of students, including teachers and staff donated blood on the occasion and a total of 200 units of blood were collected.


Highlighting the significance of Blood Donation, Dr. Sameer Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Navjeevan Medical Research Foundation and Trust of Noida Charitable Blood Bank, averred, "Our aim is to help every patient so that they get blood on time. Every healthy person who is between 18 to 65 years of age and has the right amount of hemoglobin can donate blood. It is not yet possible to make blood in the laboratory and there is no alternative, so more and more people should come forward for this noble initiative and donate blood since one unit of blood can save the lives of three people.” He called upon the students to support blood donation and serve humanity.



Addressing the gathering during the Inaugural Programme, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, stated, “At Amity, we imbibe human values in the students by encouraging them to participate in such blood donation camps. One plays an important role in the life of the people who require blood since it is a noble cause by which many human lives are saved by fulfilling the requirement of blood and no harm is caused to a person by donating blood. Amity University has been constantly supporting this cause by organizing a blood donation camp for many years and will continue to do so in future too.”


Motivating the students of Amity, Dr. W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation, said, “We are indebted to the country and society for giving us a lot and with such noble deeds, one must give back to the society by saving lives and fulfilling their social responsibility. An attitude and mindset of belongingness is developed amongst us by donating blood, which is our community responsibility, and a great sense of satisfaction is achieved by contributing to such noble causes.”



Dr. Marshall Sahni, Dean (Student Welfare), Amity University, Dr. Manoj Pandey, Joint Director, Amity School of Engineering and Technology and Dr. Sujata Khandai, Amity College of Commerce and Finance were also present on the occasion.