
10 Feb 2023|Noida | Amity University, Noida

Amity University conducts a Twelve-day Residential Training Program on “Leading Digitally Connected Supply Chains of the Future”, sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs

 Amity Institute of Training and Development, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, organized a Twelve-day Residential Training Program on “Leading Digitally Connected Supply Chains of the Future” from 30th January to 11th February 2023, sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, under Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program. The Training Programme witnessed participation by 24 international participants from more than 12 countries including Nigeria, Malawi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Romania, Thailand, Mali and Tajikastan.  


The main objectives of the Programme were to comprehend New Age Global Digital Supply Chain Networks and Technologies, enhance supply chain efficiency and Business Performance with the implementation of new age technologies and build resilient and sustainable Digital Supply Chains of Future. The twelve-day training program, comprising of 7 modules, included 15 sessions, 3000+ minutes of engagement from 10 coaches and guest speakers discussing 50+ case scenarios and simulation exercises with 130+ pages of handbook on Leading digitally connected supply chains of the future. The programme used a combination of engaging video lectures, illustrative real-life examples, vibrant discussions and an action learning project based on the current role and challenge to bring alive the concepts of leadership, helping the participants practice the concepts as they learn. 


During the twelve-day Training Programme, industrial Guest Lectures on Supply Chain were delivered by Mr. Ashish Negi - Sr. Director of service logistics for DHL, Capt. Jathin Sharma – Director, Strategy and solution design at Aetos DigiLog, Mr. Vikas Khatri - Founder, Aviral Consulting and Ms. Sarika Arora – Former CMO LimeRoad. In addition, the participants were taken on an industrial visit to ‘IDC Technologies & Holisol Logistics’ to get a brief understanding on the Supply Chain industries. 


Addressing the gathering during the Valedictory Session, Shri Rohan Singh, Under Secretary (TC-I), Ministry of External Affairs, averred, “It has been a privilege and honour to organize the Flagship Programme of Ministry of External Affairs, by providing training to the participants from different countries of the world. The purpose has been well served and we urge the participants to stay connected and support their respective companies and workplaces by applying the techniques and concepts learnt during the Training Program.” 


Expressing his heartfelt gratitude to Ministry of External Affairs, Dr. Nitin Batra, CEO, Amity Institute of Training and Development, stated, “Amity University is immensely grateful to the Ministry of External Affairs for providing the opportunity to conduct the Training Programme. Participants’ feedback is of utmost importance for us and we would like to know how the Training programs can be improved further, based on their feedback. Amity is a second home to all the international participants, and they must feel free to visit Amity anytime and reach out to us for any kind of support. The participants must stay connected and exchange their knowledge with their peers, thereby enhancing their knowledge and supporting them too.” 


Sharing her experience during the Valedictory Session, a participant, Ms. Anca Elena from Romania, said, “It was a fantastic experience attending this Program. I have gained a lot of knowledge about Artificial Intelligence, Digitization, Blockchain and Analytics as part of Supply Chain Management in the Digital Era. At the same time, we have learnt how important team management is when it comes to delivering quality products and services to customers.”  


Expressing extreme delight on attending the Training Program, another participant, Ms. Jacqueline Veronica from Malawi, stated, “The Training Programme has imparted knowledge on how automation and digitization of Supply Chain helps to increase efficiency and effectiveness. The models and tools learnt during the Program, including IOT, Blockchain and Spend Analysis are immensely useful in our work area.” 


Sharing his feedback, Mr. Pitinan Inman from Thailand, said, “The Training Program was highly beneficial for us and I’m immensely grateful to Amity University for providing this opportunity. Apart from the models of Digital Supply Chain, I have also learnt cross cultural understanding and experienced the diverse culture of India which was amazing, I would love to visit India again, spend more time here and take back some great memories.” 


Also present during the Valedictory Session were Rear Admiral Alok Bhatnagar, Deputy Director General, International Affairs Division, Amity University, Brig. R.K. Sharma, Director, Amity Institute of Training and Development, Dr. Smriti Asthana, Associate Professor, CII School of Logistics, Amity University and Dr. Pramendra Kumar, Professor, CII School of Logistics. The Session concluded with the felicitation of the participants and distribution of Certificates.