
06 Oct 2022|Noida | Amity University, Noida

“Understanding Cultural Heritage is important for growth”, says Padma Shri, Prof. (Dr.) Kiran Seth, Founder, SPIC MACAY, at Amity


Dr. Kiran Seth, Padma Shri Awardee, Founder- SPIC MACAY, visited Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida Campus, to deliver an inspirational talk, share words of wisdom and interact with the students of Amity.


With the aim to celebrate India's composite heritage, promoting cycling for good health and clean environment, spreading Mahatma Gandhi's message on simple living - high thinking and enrolling volunteers for SPIC MACAY, Padma Shri Dr. Seth, has embarked on a “Cycle Yatra- An inner journey, Antaryatra”, from Srinagar to Kanya Kumari. He embarked on this journey on 15th August, covering Srinagar, Jammu and Punjab and cycles 50 to 70 kms per day.


Addressing the gathering on this occasion, Padma Shri Prof. (Dr.) Kiran Seth, Founder, SPIC MACAY, averred, “The researchers and scientists of the world have developed new theories and principles through experience as experience is the best teacher in life. Also, taking action after careful consideration is extremely crucial as each and every action has a big impact on the future, therefore, one should never be in a hurry to take important decisions in life. By following the mantra of “Simple Living and High Thinking”, one can derive a lot of inner strength, energy and peace.”


Advising the students of Amity, he further added, “Students should be bright and wise from within as outward appearance does not hold any significance, it is the inner core which should be strong and by understanding one’s rich heritage and culture, one develops and grows as an individual. Believing in one’s own potential and never underestimating oneself creates a lot of opportunities as everyone has immense potential to go beyond their capabilities and achieve the unimaginable. Indian classical music helps in improving the focus and concentration of our mind and enhances our ability to think and analyse. Also, being consistent goes a long way in achieving the desired results and winning in any and every situation.” 



Welcoming the guests on this occasion, Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal, Dean FMS Director, Amity Business School, said, “Amity University fosters a culture of holistic development of Students with a mission to empower young minds to achieve their full potential on a global stage while being driven by deep human values. This                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is a historical day for Amity as one of the most respected and influential personalities, Padma Shri, Dr. Kiran Seth, consented to visit Amity and offer valuable guidance and inspirational talk for the students of Amity. The cultural heritage of a country provides valuable information about its history and traditions and instils a sense of unity and belongingness amongst the people. I’m sure that the students will find his experiences highly inspirational and will get a deep learning and understanding of our cultural heritage which will help them in developing themselves as great human beings as well as professionals.”


The Programme concluded with an interactive Q&A Session where students asked Dr. Kiran Seth, questions pertaining to his cycling expedition, experiences and learnings and the Vote of Thanks was delivered by Prof. Somnath Sen, Deputy Head, Amity School of Film and Drama (ASFD).