
02 Aug 2022|Noida | Amity University, Noida

High-level Delegation from Avenu Learning visits Amity University


A high-level delegation from Avenu Learning, USA and Australia, visited Amity University to deliberate upon the strategic opportunities and the emerging trends in online education and education technology globally. As a leading global provider of educational services, AVENU works with universities and other educational providers to extend boundaries and reimagine the transnational learner. The delegation comprised of Ms. Jade Roth, CEO, Avenu Learning, Mr. Paul LeBlanc, President, Southern New Hampshire University (Partner of Avenu Learning), Mr. Luis Lopez, Board Member, Avenu Learning, Mr. Chris Sheppard, Strategy Manager, SEEK(Partner of Avenu Learning), Mr. Josh Nester, Managing Director, SEEK and Ms. Teresa Finlayson, Chief Information Officer, Monash University (Partner of Avenu Learning).


Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Paul LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University (Partner of Avenu Learning), said, “Amity is doing a remarkable work in the domain of education, and it is very heartening to see the immensely talented and qualified faculty of Amity in different leadership roles who have great achievements to their credit. New opportunities must be made available to the next generation of students as they will be the future leaders of tomorrow. Amity is doing the exemplary work of empowering the new generation and a shared commitment and willingness to work together with Amity, is what brings Avenu Learning here today. India has astounding talent in all fields and developing countries like India and Africa have a huge potential as these are the countries which have the potential to transform the world.”


Addressing the gathering, Dr. Aseem Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University, averred, “Avenu Learning is a global leader in Online Programmes for Universities and Higher Education Institutions and Amity is glad to collaborate with them to explore the opportunities in online education which has become highly relevant, considering the current scenario. The mission and vision of Avenu Learning is aligned with Amity University as both institutions are focussed on bringing a transformation in the of students by modern approach towards education, with an emphasis on outcome-based programmes.”    


Sharing his views on the occasion, Mr. Ajit Chauhan, Chairman, Amity University online, said, “With the focus on online education across the world, post the pandemic, new avenues have opened for students as technology is easily accessible to everyone now which has immensely empowered and enabled the students to pursue their dreams. The collaboration between Amity and Avenu Learning will be highly beneficial for the students as more opportunities will be made available to them.”


On this occasion, presentations by Dr. Gurinder Singh, Group Vice Chancellor, Amity University and Dr. W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science and Technology Innovation Foundation, were also made, highlighting the milestones and achievements of Amity Education Group and Amity Research in Science, Technology and Innovation.


The visit of the delegation concluded with a campus tour and an interactive session with the students and faculty members of Amity.