
24 Nov 2020|Noida | Amity University, Noida ( Online )

Webinar on “Courtroom Advocacy Skills

 A lecture by Ms. Theresa Lynch - Director - University of Birmingham, UK was delivered on “Courtroom Advocacy Skills”. While addressing Ms. Theresa Lynch said that vocal warmups are essential for effective public speaking. The benefits are minimizing the possibilities of straining the voice, stumbling over words, forgetting what was coming next, and succumbing to a fit of the nervous jitters. Vocal warmups help channel the natural pre- performance adrenalin rush positively. In short, these exercises prepare and centre you. She advised to pick and mix from the body, breath, and voice exercises taking care to work all three areas equally. She further stated that one will find the warmup session works wonders for focusing, relaxing, and settling any nervous tension as well as improving the quality of their delivery. Becoming conscious of how one is breathing is essential for sustaining and supporting the voice. 

A voice that is both easy to hear and pleasing to listen immediately grabs attention. No matter how enticing the contentm, it's difficult to accomplish the goals as a speaker without gaining and keeping audience's attention 7 that's the biggest benefit to developing great vocal delivery skills.
She shared how students often fall into one of two difficulties when preparing notes for a presentation. Some will arrive with great swaths of notes to assist them with their speech. Yet, all too often these prove more of a hindrance than a help. Alternatively, are those who arrive with minimal notes that leave them floundering for words at critical moments in their oral submissions.
Legal ethics is about assessing the moral value of our conduct and doing the right things as lawyers. Persuading the court, the ultimate goal of legal advocacy. However, this is an inherently subjective process which can vary according. She also gave mooting mantra to students that was proper planning, preparation and practise will assist in preventing a poor performance.