
15 Aug 2020|Noida | Amity University, Noida

74th Independence Day amidst the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic, Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Noida

Celebrating the 74th Independence Day amidst the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic, Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Noida joined the Nation in commemorating the glorious occasion at the campus and through the virtual medium.  

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, AUUP averred that a unique Independence Day is being celebrated this year with India marching on to become the next superpower despite the Nation going through an unprecedented epidemic with everyone fighting to come out of this global pandemic. Dr. Chauhan announced Mission ATOMIC (Attack the Opportunities and Monitor the Implementation and Compliance) to further leverage & utilize the opportunity provided by the pandemic to transform the world. He shared the rising number of patents being filed by Amity University and further transferring it to the industry despite the lockdown. Dr. Chuahan also elaborated that Amity will rise and contribute towards making the Nation Atmnirbhar to fulfill the dream of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his various other initiatives. He further stressed on the need to instill values and make people follow them as being done by the entire Amity family.  

Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, AUUP shared the pride and joy in celebrating Independence Day every year at the campus and how technology enabled the virtual celebration this year bringing together students and faculty members from across the globe. He averred that the pandemic has reminded people of things forgotten with time like the feeling of freedom as people have been locked in their homes. He stated that the value of liberty and freedom should not be forgotten. He averred that the covid pandemic has made us realize the importance of a larger picture in life, what can be done to improve the society and render service to the nation. He thanked the frontline warriors including doctors, nurses police officers and the teachers for their valor. Dr. Chauhan shared that every right comes with duties and everyone must realize that one should not forget the price we have paid for freedom. He asked students to remember the mission of the Founder President in building the nation and come together to take the country forward.  

Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AUUP hoisted the flag at the campus and addressed the gathering. She referred to the address made by the Prime Minister and averred that all departments of Amity University follow and resonate with his words and mission. Dr. Shukla stated that the New Education policy (NEP) 2020 has opened new avenues for the Indian Higher Education Institutions through its forward looking vision. She stated that Amity University has been following these missions including value-based education as envisioned by Founder President way back in time. She shared the vision of Dr. Atul Chuahan and his focus on investing in IT technology to strengthen the infrastructure that made the university move to the virtual mode of learning within a week of the lockdown being imposed. Dr. Shukla also stated the various initiatives initiated by Amity University to provide academic, psychological support and emergency services to the students and faculty members. She stressed on the need to identify the entrepreneurial talent of students and support them to contribute to the vision of building an Atmnirbhar India. The Vice Chancellor also shared the various scientific inventions developed by the students and researchers of Amity University during this lockdown period to contribute towards the fight against coronavirus. She averred that Amity contributes not only to nation’s progress in accordance with the sustainable development goals but also to the development of humanity by creating future global citizens. India to be the next knowledge super power with focus on research & development is the vision of the founder president of Amity.  

Students shared their cultural performance through the virtual medium rendering melodies about the glorious saga of the country and saluting its freedom fighters. The flag hoisting ceremony was witnessed by thousands of students online along with their families, faculty members, staff and few AUUP members at the campus following the norms of social distancing.