
15 Apr 2020|Noida | Amity University, Noida

Interactive Online Sessions by Industry Professional Organized at Amity University

Amity University Uttar Pradesh in continuation with Interactive Webinar Series by Industry Captains organized talks with different experts. In the first talk Captain Pranav Prasoon, Head of Human Resources at Renault India Pvt Ltd shared his thoughts on “Opportunity to Upskill Yourselfand Invest in Yourself”. During the talk Captain Prasoon stated that life has become quite simple in this technology driven world. “We are trying to learn in this situation like working from home and feel that everything will be fine once this lockdown ends.In these times figure out how one can achieve the goals while coping up with the present situation,” shared Captain Prasoon. He also added that finding the purpose of life is very important which is a farfetched goal and a journey which is to be completed. “Define principles of life which include integrity,truth, loyalty, ethics. If the principles are strong, one has purpose in life. You all are amazing and there will be many people who will discourage you but don’t fall into any trap. Be confident as pride comesfrom the training life gives you. Life is very simple, either you trust others or you don’t trust at all. Be happy even if you are rejected or fail. In life, to deal with the tough time is simple, just go through it. You will suffer but after suffering youwill find yourself happy,” said Captain Prasoon. He further added that students should learn to manage things as per its important or urgency or avoidance. Captain Prasoon also presented a “Circle of Continuity” which showed that ‘with responsibility comes your continuous commitment which requires integrity, which presents your impression leading to your credibility with trust, with performance and which will again lead to responsibility. In another webinar on ‘Institutionalising innovation for combating COVID 19’, Dr. Vipin Kumar, Director, National Innovation Foundation said that India as a country is working far better than other advanced country and would be able to manage the COVID 19 outbreak. “Science is the only way we will be able to change the course of this pandemic and get the world back to business. Science will provide the exit strategies to COVID 19. Council of Scientific and industrial research (CSIR) has strategically organized itself to pursue the desired R&D so as to develop, integrate, scale up and deploy (in partnership of stakeholders) necessary technological interventions for combating Coronavirus Pandemic in the country. For this purpose, CSIR has created challenge focused R&D networks within the system and is synergistically interfacing them with industry and publicly funded organization across the country,” said Dr. Kumar. He also spoke about the way India has adopted to fight COVD19. “The path we are following is to engage with the citizens and harness the innovative potential of citizens for benefit of society. The government has suggested a slew of measures to reduce the transmission. However, can there be some original creative ideas and innovations which can supplement the efforts of the government in slowing or eliminating the spread further,” shared Dr. Kumar. In another interactive session Mr. Abhiram Mishra, Business Head, Reliance Retail talked about “Impact of COVID-19 on the business. Planning marketing strategies ahead and realigning the business strategies for the organization and the sector” Mr. Mishra explained the outline of macro scenario and translating to contingency plans in the retail sector. “We will all have to awaken with the new normal i.e. situation post COVID19. There will be change in consumer behaviour due to increased confidence in technology, technical performance and online payment. There will be long-term decrease in business travel due to the emergence of video conferencing tools. The education system willbe transformed. Government will introduce e-services throughout the region,” shared Mr. Mishra. In a lecture on ‘Changes in working dynamics of pharmaceutical companies during COVID19 outbreak’, speaker Mr. Harish K Jain, Director, Embiotic Laboratories shared that this global pandemic has given India huge opportunities for the pharma sector for decades to come. “However, this will only work if we are self-sufficient in end to end manufacture of both API as well as formulations, for instance the recent success story of Hydroxychloroquine. We cannot depend heavily on a single exporting country to meet requirements of medicines for country of 135 crore population. So it’s best to be self-sufficient and every state should be well-equipped to overcome logistics nightmare,” said Mr. Jain. He also stated that if the companies are able to meet customer needs and desires along with solving his deepest problems, the business is bound to grow exponentially.