
09 Apr 2020|Noida | Amity University, Noida

Global Experts Share Experiential Learning Virtually with students of Amity University

Taking forward the initiative of giving experiential sessions and global exposure to its students, a series of exclusive online webinars are being organized by Amity University.These webinars are being held to take the learning initiative forward for the students who are pursuing their academic interests online in these times of a global lockdown. An Amity alumnus, Mr. Piyush Arora in his webinar shared his journey from studying at Amity University to starting his startup Fluper in 2013. Currently working with Microsoft,Mr. Arora shared how he went to Purdue University on a student exchange programme and was awarded 100% scholarship by the University for pursuing his Masters. “Soon after completing my masters, I started working in Microsoft and now I am also pursuing my secondmasters from Harvard University completely sponsored by Microsoft. I work in MS Visual studio which is used by 57% developers all across the world. User experience has great scope in industry as user experience researchers and designers are required by majorsoftware companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook etc,” said Mr. Arora. Sharing his lessons from life with students, Mr. Arora asked students to indulge in reading as it’s a great exercise for the brain and removes ignorance. “I would also suggestyou to keep learning new things every day and build things. For instance, I assemble all my furniture. Also, get a career coach or mentor and don’t be afraid to ask for help or feedback,” said Fluper co-founder. He also suggested students to explore new interestsnow with time in hand as they won’t have the opportunity to do so once they get back to their routine life. Encouraging and inspiring students with his experiences of life, Mr. Pankaj Dubey, MD Polaris shared that one should always dream about their future, just like he did. “Havebig dreams and also attach timeline to achieve those dreams. If you do that you will achieve your dream before time. But you will have to work on a daily basis to get to your destination. You will fail in some of your dreams but failure is also an experienceand you have to learn from it,” averred Mr. Dubey. He asked students to remain positive and look ahead in life than dwelling on the past. “In this unprecedented situation the world is learning from it like you are learningonline. No one is giving up. If you are passionate about any dream you will achieve it,” said Mr. Dubey. He also asked students to pursue their hobbies in this environment to find positivity. Talking about the operation strategies of businesses, Mr. Dubey shared that in the present time when everything is halted, even companies don't know how to react. “How to protectthe company and capital in these times is main priority. Company will be forced for reduced or rational manpower,” he added. In the subsequent webinar, Mr Sabyasachi Mishra, Head - Business Development (Minerals Business), Tata International Ltd. Singapore, talked on leadership, strategy, customer,supply chain, operations, systems and people. Leadership is further divided into vision, mission, value, communication. “Our mission is to add values to all our stakeholders. We are living in difficult times today butvalue system will continue. Each company should select its values very carefully. All vision, mission, values should be communicated well to all employees and stakeholders and our strategy is to achieve your goals should be in line of VUCA world i.e. Volatile,Uncertain, Chaotic, Ambiguous world,” said Mr. Mishra. He also added that human resource is very important component for any business. “Their engagement all time is very important. You have to measure their capacity and capabilities.Currently world demand is decreasing and moving towards recession. Oil prices are falling to an all-time low. Prices of commodities like iron ore is falling. Steel is also going down as industry demand is very less. Currently we are focusing on selling first and buying at later stage. China has slowly recovered so we are focusing a lot on Chinese buyers,” added Mr. Mishra. All Universities & Institutions who are offering 3C & International programmes, Amity University, Greater Noida Campus and Amity International Business School students participatedin these webinars with lot of enthusiasm.