17 May 2024-19 May 2024|Mumbai

Amity University Mumbai Organized Educational Field Trip To Pench National Park and Nagpur City

 Students of the Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management (BTTM) Semester 4 from the Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism, Amity University Mumbai, recently returned from an insightful and educational field trip to Pench National Park and Nagpur City. The trip, which took place from 16th June to 19th June 2024, was designed to provide the students with practical exposure to various aspects of wildlife and cultural tourism.

Experiencing the Wild: Jungle Safari and Birdwatching at Pench National Park
The excursion began with an exhilarating jungle safari in Pench National Park, offering students a unique opportunity to observe the rich biodiversity of the region. Guided by experienced naturalists, the students spotted tigers, deer, and numerous other species, gaining a deeper appreciation for wildlife conservation efforts. In addition to the safari, a dedicated birdwatching session allowed students to identify and learn about the diverse bird species that inhabit the park, enhancing their understanding of avian ecology.
Exploring Cultural Heritage: Deekshabhoomi and Dragon Palace in Nagpur
The trip also included visits to significant cultural sites in Nagpur. Students explored Deekshabhoomi, a key Buddhist pilgrimage site where Dr. B.R. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism. This visit provided a profound insight into the historical and cultural importance of the site. Additionally, the students visited the Dragon Palace Temple, an architectural marvel that further enriched their knowledge of Buddhist culture and heritage.
Preserving History: The Narrow Gauge Railway Museum
On the final day, the group visited the Narrow Gauge Railway Museum in Nagpur. This museum, dedicated to the history of narrow gauge railways in India, offered students a chance to explore various exhibits and understand the pivotal role of railways in the development of tourism. The museum visit highlighted the importance of preserving industrial heritage and its relevance to modern tourism practices.
Zero Mile Stone
The trip also included a visit to the Zero Mile Stone, a significant geographical marker in Nagpur, denoting the exact center of India. This landmark provided students with insights into the historical and geographical importance of Nagpur as a central point in the country’s road and rail networks.
A Holistic Learning Experience
This field trip was a significant educational milestone for the BTTM students, blending theoretical knowledge with practical experiences. By observing wildlife, engaging with cultural heritage sites, and learning about historical preservation, the students gained a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of tourism.