Within the category of "Regular Activities," students are required to serve as volunteers for an uninterrupted duration of two years, contributing a minimum of 120 hours per year (equivalent to 240 hours over two years) to community service. Following the core principles of the National Service Scheme, volunteers are anticipated to maintain ongoing engagement with the community.
The types of activities conducted within NSS continue to develop in accordance with the community's requirements. An illustrative list of some of the activities carried out within NSS includes:
Adult literacy programs, pre-school education initiatives, continuing education for individuals who have dropped out of school, legal literacy campaigns, efforts to raise consumer awareness, and programs focused on eliminating social issues, among others.
Immunization, organizing blood donation drives, conducting health education initiatives, raising awareness about AIDS, providing education on population issues and family welfare, collaborating with communities on nutrition programs, ensuring access to safe drinking water, and offering life skills education, etc.
Planting and preserving trees, cleaning and maintaining streets and drains, building sanitary latrines, managing watersheds, and implementing soil conservation measures, etc.
Engaging in services at hospitals, facilities for individuals with disabilities, orphanages, nursing homes, and women's welfare organizations, etc.
Raising awareness about women's rights, educating women on their potential contributions to the community's social and economic well-being, and providing skill training to women when feasible.
Collaborating with individuals and educating them on enhanced agricultural methods, conducting soil tests, repairing agricultural machinery, offering support and guidance in developing animal resources, encouraging small savings, and assisting in obtaining bank loans.
Supporting and collaborating with local authorities in rescue and relief operations, as well as distributing rations, medicines, clothing, immunizations, and inoculations, among other activities.