Amity Journal of Economics
ISSN: 2455-9733 (Print)    |    ISSN: 2456-155X (Online)    |    RNI: UPENG/2017/72669

Amity Journal of Economics (AJECO) established in 2016, publishes leading advances in the broad area of economics including inter-disciplinary research to become a medium for research on economic problems and provide a forum for original thinking and investigations about the economies of the world. AJECO brings together academicians, corporate practitioners and research scholars from across the world to delve on the deeper economic issues that impact the society and contributes scholarly articles for enhancement of economic concepts.

An International, Indexed, Biannual, Double-blind Reviewed and Refereed Journal, Amity Journal of Economics (AJECO) welcomes original and thought-provoking research, both empirical and conceptual in nature, within the broad area of economics including but not limited to, unemployment, inflation, economic under development, globalization, internationalization and economic integration, economic and monetary policies, financial economics, health, education, developmental economics, labour economics and so on. Published twice a year, the journal is the official publication of Amity Directorate of Management and Allied Areas (ADMAA), a research unit of Amity University, a leading innovation and research driven Private University in India.

Research work in the form of theoretical/conceptual, empirical, original, cross-functional and applied research papers, articles, case studies, technical notes, monographs, book reviews and doctoral dissertations in economics will be admissible for review in AJECO.


Prof. (Dr.) Ramanjeet Singh


Amity Journal of Economics (AJECO)

Amity Directorate of Management and Allied Areas

Amity University

G-09, I-3 Block, Sector -125

Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201 313, India  

Ph: +91(0)-120-4392147                       



Published by:

Amity Directorate of Management and Allied Areas (ADMAA)

Amity University 

G-09, I-3 Block, Sector -125

Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201 313,   India     

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