
21 May 2018|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

Amity pledges to fight against terrorism on Anti-Terrorism Day

On the occasion of Anti-TerrorismDay, thousands of Amity officials, faculties and students took a pledge tosensitize students and general public to fight against terrorism which isplaguing our country and the World.

Anti-Terrorism Day is observed throughoutthe country on 21st May every year to create an awareness about thedangers of Terrorism and its effects on the People, Society and the Country. Itwas on this day in the year 1991 that former Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi Jiwas martyred during an act of terrorism.  One of the major objective forobserving this day is to sensitize our youth not to associate in any kind ofTerrorism and violence by highlighting the sufferings of common people and alsoshowing as to how terrorism is against the national interests. 

Administrating the oath, Dr.(Prof.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradeshsaid that people suffered at the hands of terrorism are the ones who understandthe pain. She stressed that through education, we can educate youth to createawareness and eliminate terrorism from our country.

The oath - “We the people of India havingabiding faith in our country’s tradition of nonviolence and tolerance, herebysolemnly affirm to oppose with our strength, all forms of terrorism andviolence. We pledge to uphold and promote peace, social harmony andunderstanding among all fellow human beings and fight the forces of disruptionthreatening human lives and values

Special guest visiting AmityUniversity, Mr. Vijay Kumar Dev (IAS), Director General, Directorate Generalof Training said, “It’s an absolute privilege and honour to be a part ofthis Anti-Terrorism ceremony at Amity University.” He commended Amity as one ofthe foremost institutions that has revolutionized the education system inIndia. He complimented the Amitians for their endeavours to commemorate thisimportant Day. 

During the five day long awarenesscampaign starting from May 21 to 25, a determined and sustained drive to beingabout a mass awakening amongst the Youth of the Country will be held by way ofholding debate/Discussions for Faculty and staff members in the Universityalong with symposiums/Seminars/Lectures dissemination information on dangers ofterrorism & violence, by renowned experts.